Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Hype hin oder her.

Es sieht einfach super schick aus und ich beobachte den ganzen Rummel schon ne Weile. Es sah und sieht immer noch ziemlich nach "genau dem" Mobiletelefon aus das ich selbst bauen würde (abgesehen von dem telepatischen Interface, den 15'' Bildschirm, das es Krebs heilen kann, ...).

Ich hatte das Ding sogar durch glückliche Umstände mal in der Hand und es gibt ein Look and Feel, wie tante und ich schonmal über die PSP gesagt haben, das sehr sehr Wertig ist. Webbrowsen ist echt der Hammer mit dem Ding (Wi-Fi Zugangn vorrausgesetzt).

Jetzt wo die ersten "reviews" raus sind ( [], [] , [] ) wird's natürlich noch interessanter.

Einige Dinge die mir beim lesen als erstes "sauer" aufgestossen sind, keine mp3s als Klingeltöne, keine MMS, keine Video aufzeichnungen, kein Adobe support für den Webbrowser.

Trotzdem steht es noch immer ziemlich hoch auf der "das will ich haben" Liste, allerdings sind +500$ definitiv zu viel. Mal sehen wie sich das ganze weiter entwickelt.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Some more martial art videos

Raymond Daniels - Wade Taylor

(Embedding disabled by request)

He is braggin around, but he is really good. Some very nice moves :).
Here he is again:

And another one of him, with an awesome double jump kick.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Kendo vs Escrima

Yesterday I got directed toward some Kendo vs. Escrima videos:

They are very intersting to watch and among the comments there is one which I think in general should stand out to all "cross training":

zvyej: who won?
zukuru: on experience ? .. I think both - the purpose is less to win than test the skills against non expexted and non trained situations.

As I mentioned in the discussion yesterday, both fighters tend to fight according to their tournament rule set, which naturally to the safety of the combatants, includes forbidden moves.

So the common "brute" argument is "with real weapons it would like ...". Well as nobody really wants to test that out with real swords there is still an other option to "see" if one combatant is superior to the other, which in the end still says nothing about the superiority of the different styles: paint and colored markers on white clothes/armor.

An example of how it this works, is using text markers/high lighters eg. in a knife defense/offense training. Each cut leaves a marking on your arms and cloths and you can very easily see that if you ever get into a fight and sobody draws a knife that it's much wiser to run rather than stay and fight. As one trainer during a knife defense workship once said, knife defense is not to learn not to get cut but to be able to decided where you get cut.

Looking further zukurus other videos are also very interesting:

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Suzi ...

... fährt wieder :).

Neuer Sattel drauf, Zündschlüssel rein los gehts.

Ne Harley macht noch keinen Rocker, fahren muß man können!

Pokemon für DS

Pokémon Diamant-Edition und Pokémon Perl-Edition sind inzwischen für Deutschland angekündigt.

27 Juli sollen sie erschienen.

Kauf ich mir die Diamand-Edition und schick meiner Schwester einfach die Pearl-Edition auch wenn sie kein DS hat ?


Hmmm .... ;)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Working on saturday

Well, not really.

More like working the cocktail bar and the buffet on cost of my company.

Let's see how I feel tomorrow ;)

Friday, June 15, 2007

Seiten die einem sagen wer man ist

TT - die Zweite hat mich dann doch neugierig gemacht und ich hab mir das nochmal genauer angeschaut.

Man kann es auch "fishing for compliments" nennen, so man denn mit seinem Ergebnis zu frieden ist:

EPLS - MACHER - Gehört zur Gruppe der Aktionisten

►Agiert Extrovertiert
►Denkt Praktisch
►Entscheidet Logisch
►Lebt Spontan

Witzig ist: "EPLS suchen wie Kampfsportkünstler Chackie Chan körperliche Herausforderungen ... " ;)

Allerdings muss ich sagen sind die "prominenten Beispiele" weniger schmeichelhaft, halte ich den grossteil der Leute die dort aufgeführt werden eher für Wichtigtuer und Grossmäuler.

Girl + Gamer

"Intimate Controler"

German at Golem:
Spiele-Controller im BH als Masterarbeit


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Noch ein Blogger

Warum, wieso, weshalb?

Fragt ihn ;)

Schaut auf das kleine Bildchem rechts unten mit den Leuten in Rüstung.
Darum :)

Order of the stick

Yepp, that's the comic I'm reading regulary - apart from the + 40 Marvel Comics I just got.

Anyway: Greenhilt dead!?! Miko dead!?!

What's going to be next?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Knowledge is power

Some might remember this:

My graphic card just broke down ...

Meh ...

Well, I found out what it was.

My webcam seems to cause problems with my sound and with my video card.

It have to reinstall my graphics drivers after I just updated my webcam stuff.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Eve ....

I don't want to overestimate the thing and I'm not one of those witchhunters like at the eve o site but the current disbelieve that in CCP to do honest buisness is a bit straining.

Yes it seem they don't have a competent PR person to handle parts of the affairs but and I really got a tired of the constant tinfoil hattery at eve-o.

Anyway it seems like CCP is again taking a step into a very unique direction:

In a Virtual Universe, the Politics Turn Real

- update: this articel is not longer available :(
rather take this:
Bericht: Eve Online erhält demokratische Wahlen

In short, they want to have player elections to vote for a group of players to audit CCPs operations.

Now take that "2nd Life hype"! ;) not just a barren empty pr0n deluded 3D chatroom.

Although admirable good intentions, this might lead to a whole set of new problems but the initial idea is a very honorable one, but I have some serious doubts.

So voting ? We already know how good votings in the "l33t" internet is going to work, add in the already highly metagaming eve community with their tinfoil hats and people running multiple accounts, you just see the witchhunters call in "cheaters" since they doubt the outcome of the election to be fair.

As this is not yet "official" announced by CCP we have to wait if and how they want to realize this.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


This mighe be a little in a-propriate, but it is really funny:

Don't know what original language it is, but the subs are german, I guess it might be swedish or dänish ?Anyway even without understanding the language, I guess you ll understand the "point" Wink.

So, if you're "mature" enough, have a look Wink

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Fallout 3 Trailer

Unglaublich aber es sieht so aus als würde es Fallout 3 wirklich noch geben:

Fallout 3 Trailer

Schau'n wir mal ;)


Ehrlich gesagt, dies sind auch ziemlich coole Headlines und alle fast hintereinander weg:

World of Darkness MMO In 2011?

StarCraft Pops Back on Top Ten List

Hey, SimCity, Welcome Back

new Links

In the last few weeks I added some new links:

One from kryschien:

Who is also responsible for the Fightclub

Elena, who is in Piela, which I call "no-where":

Elena, where are you?

And now as well Kornel with a Blog at Kornels Welt:

Welcome im "webtwooodoot" ;).

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I like Eve

Which is known probably ;).
So rather than telling how good is, I let this video speak for itself which I found ( ).

We are 2 pretty new players in the EVE-Universe. And besides losing our ships in low sec space we decided to take a short break and make a movie of our first impression of EVE.

Have fun and enjoy!;5030972;/fileinfo.html

INTACTized & Fayes

To make it easier for you folks I uploaded it to youtube:

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Home sweet home

13:30 departure from the hotel in Linköping.

Train from Linköping to Malmö

Flight from Kopenhagen to Frankfurt - Delay due to Frankfurt Airport only using one runway

Flight from Frankfurt to Nürnberg - Also delay due to Frankfurt Airport still using only one runway.

Cab home

Midnight back home, home sweet home