Sunday, April 30, 2006

He is

... the best at what he does.

And that was his last cigar.

This is more or less the last night this appartment is my appartment. Though I am back or around or what you want to call it in about two weeks, because a friend is celebrating his wedding, this is it. I don't have an ISP in KLF yet, though that's only a matter of time. Everything is ordered and I'm just waiting for my account information.

Oh, I got my first salary. Yay me! First come bills, bills, bills but after that there should be some money to buy some new toys, like a new computer and two TFTs - call me crazy. Let's see how much money is left at end of the month. Gives me some time to sleep over it as well before I crash my account LOL. I might be extravagant and lavishly but not without thought - there is a system behind my madness ROFL.

For those who know MMORPGs

I just read this linked from Little Gamers.

Just read it.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

In OL ...

... again.

Dead tired skipped going out today, but am somehow still awake. Left KLF late today and I'm realy fed up with driving forth and back. Looking forward to the next weekend where I stay there even when I might bore myself to death there.

Downloaded my emails and stumbled again upon a movie trailer, which you all have to see.

Dead or Alive.

This is realy my kinda film, call it what you want, it probadly will be a lot of fun :-).

Friday, April 28, 2006


... so what happenend on thursday?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


A good example for to many digits LOL.
Total traveling time keeps around 15min., counted from leaving the door to droppin' onto the office chair.

Start and Stop times for net traveling time suffer from a variance of about 5 seconds, so both together add an ± 10 sec. on the result. So to be sure that I'm faster than 6min. I have to least score a 5:50 - I'm working on that ... .

Net traveling time.
19.04.06: 00:06:20.594 - average
20.04.06: 00:06:18.516 - average / 00:06:30.471 - average
24.04.06: 00:06:19.242 - average / 00:06:16.270 - average

Going average, means I go on my normal speed and I take the crossings easy.

25.04.06: 00:06:25.902 - average / 00:05:53.977 - faster - there we go! Pretty close to it and I shoud be able to go a tidbit faster.

26.04.06: 00:06:58.785 - easy

More to come as I go.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Come on ...

... if you're reading this once in a while, drop a comment ! That way I've got something to read as well and get to know if I missed something. E.g. those of my RPG group could at least drop a short comment what happened on thursdays, or even better, put it all in, 'cause somebody of you is certainly loggin it anyway ;-).

Friday, April 21, 2006

This green

Today in KL my wlan router arrived per snail mail, so it wont take that long anymore before I'm on the net again. It was a good week at work. I'm getting more and more involved in the current running projects, which are pretty interesting.

I'm also started going regulary to the local martial arts school. Though they are currently running their easter vacation run it's pretty cool. My main focus joining was arnis and I learned a lot during the few times I've been there. I'm looking forward to the Kung Fu and Kick Box sessions. I just can say, though I do a bit at home my condition is very very low. I thought I was able to keep at least a bit in shape with those tempodrom sessions but heck no way. This is ten times more exhausting. And that's good.

My new bike rides very smooth, though it might have been a bit overconfident of me to drop net traveling time down below 5mins. I have to cross three roads, which take a lot of time so I might be good when I'm able to drop below 6mins. I noted down the traveling times from this week. When I have some more I'll post the, for the curious ones among you. I haven't been exploring the city much per bike yet. I'll do that more when I stay my first weekend in KL, which will be 5-6 May, but so far KL doesn't seem to be very big. Cool thing is also, on 6th May is an arnis workshop near by and our teacher is taking us there.

This weekend I should finally be out of my old appartment. I just need to take my pictures and frames out and clean up once through the empty rooms then all is done. Regarding my new home and appartment, here is the photo of my wall in my sleeping room:

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

56k Modems suck

... and tabbed browsing is certainly not made for surfing on such a connection. I'm down two tabs. It's not that I miss being online at home that much, but surfing on a 56k modem is almost worse that not surfing at all.

Anyway, no time for "work to home", I simply forgot start the timer when I was already on my bike. Btw. I finally got something to do at work!

I also made a picture of my greenish wall, but for sure I won't upload it now. Wait till tomorror or the weekend. Enough for now. This modem connection only good enough to keep trillian running and besides that, I'm getting hungry.


Left home: 7:32 am
Arrived at my office desk: 7:46 am

Travel time: ~ 00:14:00
Pure time on bike: 00:06:20.594
Subjective speed: medium average, could go faster

Goal: dropping driving time below 5 min.

Let's go! ;-)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

My new bike

This is my 4th bike in 4 years :-/. Each of them got stolen before, each time my insurance was so kind to replace the value of the bike, so I was able to get a new one.

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This one will carry me from now on to work and back the 2.2km I living away from my work place so that is covered. Not that much to ride, but just as at my old home, I'll gonna track the time I need from work to home and see how fast I can go on that distance.

For those who want to know the details (in german only though):
Bicycles CR 700
RahmenAlu 7005 Cross in speziellem Bicycles Design
Rahmenhöhen48,53,57,60,63 cm
Lackschlagfeste Pulverbeschichtung
GabelFedergabel Moderne Tech Magnesium, Federweg 50mm
SteuersatzSchraubsteuersatz Alu gedichtet, 1 1/8" integriert
LenkerAlu Flatbar mit Lenkerhörchen
VorbauAlu Schaftvorbau, Neigung verstellbar
SattelSelle Royal Freccia
Sattelstützekomfortable Alu Federstütze, Cushy ST, 27,2mm
BremsenShimano V-Bremsen, BR-M420
BremshebelShimano Deore, ST-M510, Schalt- Bremshebel
SchalthebelShimano Deore, ST-M510, Schalt- Bremshebel
SchaltwerkShimano Deore XT, RD-M750SGS, 27-Gang
UmwerferShimano Deore, FD-M510
KurbelgarniturShimano Deore, FC-M440, 48/36/26Z.
PedaleCross Alu
KassetteShimano Deore CS-HG50-9, 11-32Z.
KetteShimano, CN-HG53-9
Nabe VRShimano Deore, HB-M510, 36 Loch
Nabe HRShimano Deore, FH-M510, 36 Loch
FelgenAirline V-Profil Hohlkammerfelge, 36 Loch (9x4)
SpeichenNiro schwarz
BereifungSchwalbe Fast Fred, 700x38C
ParkstützeHebie Hinterbauständer, Bef. am Rahmen integriert
Extrasspezieller Bicycles Cross Rahmen, Federgabel
Gewichtca. 13,9 kg

Picture quality is still pretty low since I just use the camera on my mobil phone, so bear with me

Friday, April 14, 2006


People keep asking me if I painted or want to paint my bedroom. You can't realy recognize it on the photos but the wallpapers in my bedroom are green. Mint green according to some and not the fancy stuff, the "that's a no-no" mint green. I took the appartment as it was, since I thought, well it's colored and that's alright, but in fact, I'm red green colorblind. That doesn't mean I can not see any red or green, it just means that it is hard to distinguish between the two colors for me. Depending on the light red seems green to me or the other way around and together with that comes a lack of feeling for colors in general.

Heck I hardly can recognize what color my walls are LOL, but well according to my friends this mint green is realy realy ... well I should paint it ASAP.

I'll gonna make some better pic's of it when I'm back. You all can go and try to convince me to paint it, but since I hardly notice the "awefullness" of it, I don't see the point yet. It's not that I spent most of my day there, okay about 7 hours but those all asleep with my eyes closed anyway :).

To quote Malcom Reynolds: "Everybody is making a fuzz."

Thursday, April 13, 2006


for now. I gonna go home now and pack my stuff for the extra long weekend (in germany this friday and easter monday are holidays).

Cya later

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Another weekend.

Yepp another weekend going back here to my old appartment to move the last remaining stuff out.

I had the chance to go out during last week in KL. My former drum teacher had a gig and a jazz jam session in a near city on thursday. It was pretty cool, a smooth atmosphere and laid back and it was nice to see him again. Have't seen him a while and it made me miss my drum set even more. Now on saturday I ended up on a party with again a live gig and I finally decided I'll gonna take a "mini" set with me. Bass, snare, Hi-Hat and I'll be putting it in the basement and see if I might get the chance to play there. Make it a bit more comfortable, see how much more soundproof I need to make it and how the sound is there at all. It's not that I drow in stuff to do.

Also some more good new. I finally took care getting an ISP. I should get a it at the latest by the end of this month, Yay!

Soooooo, I decided to give you all a look at my appartment with a few shots, so here it goes. Here the rough floorplan.

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My living room:
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My bedroom which I so far use currently more as storage:
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Kitchen and Bathroom:
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... and the floor connecting all of them:
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That's it. Nothing more nothing less. So see ya next week!