Friday, May 19, 2006

Blast it!

Star Wars Deleted Scene (Luke & Biggs) - Freaking awesome! Got this link from my old REB mate tragili, BIG thanks!

I heared and knew about a deleted scene, where Luke was supposed to meet some friends at the Toshi station, but never have actually seen anything of it. It's just freaking awesome!

Further I'm trying to get my old university mates to hook up to the internet to get crushed under my defeating power in Star Craft/Broodwars and/or Warcraft III. I need some more competition ;-).


Anonymous said...

Don't remove this link, I'm gonna check it out when I get home to a decent connection again.

scout said...

No worries I won't remove this one. And in case it might get lost here "somehow", it's linked from the REB forum as well.