Saturday, September 16, 2006

DRM - Digital Rights "Management"

Wir alle wissen, das die Intendanten unsers öffentlich rechtlichen Radio und Fernsehens so ziemlich die Gehirnamputiertesten Idioten sind, die man auftreiben kann. Fast witzig ist allerdings, das es auf der anderen Seite des Oceans Leute gibt, denen man anschliessen noch in den leeren Schädel geschissen hat. 'tschuldiging für die Fäkale Ausdrucksweise aber anders kann man es nicht bezeichnen:

More crackpot DRM ideas - Blogzilla
The current favourite seems to be that ISPs should be forced to monitor all exchanges of data and charge customers when a copyright work is spotted. When I asked how the spread of encryption could possibly be compatible with this scheme, they airily replied that only paedophiles use that technology and we would all be better off if it was banned.

Ab jetzt wird alles nur noch verschlüsselt übers Netz geschickt.

Sehr gut in diesem Zusammenhang ist dazu natürlich dann auch Microsofts "Angriff" auf den iPod:

Microsoft Zune won't play purchased Microsoft media files -
Microsoft's "iPod-killing" Zune player won't play music that's locked up with Microsoft's own anti-copying software. Music and movies sold through Napster 2.0, Rhapsody, Yahoo! Unlimited, Movielink and Cinemanow won't play on the Zune, even though these services are marketed in conjunction with Microsoft's "Plays for Sure" (AKA
Plays for Shit) program.

Oder ganz neu:

Microsoft Zune will violate Creative Commons licenses

The new Microsoft Zune player (their soi-disant "iPod Killer") applies DRM to all the files you move onto it, even the Creative Commons-licened music. The problem is that CC licenses prohibit this. What's more, CC licenses are machine-readable and could, theoretically, be detected by Microsoft, if they cared enough about copyright to ensure that they were adhering to the license policies set out by creators.
Alle Links und Infos mit Dank von Tante

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