Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Not much to say

So far, still looking for an appartment.

I hoped I would have found something by this time but appearantly I became rather picky in choosing something that would suit me.

Everything is still open but Kendo rocks.

So just for the fun of it:

Clips: Girl. Bikini. Wii-mote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi ghost!
don't loose your motivation!
funny to say, but I am in the same situatin. Went to the village tue. and wed. seeking for houses and believe me, in 'da bush' it's quite an experience!
But I had the fortune of being able to choose btw 4 houses!
The one I chose is not finish yet, which means I have to wait a couple of weeks more here in Ouaga before moving to the village.
there is quite different, is exactely how you can imagine 'nowhere'... thought about you when we were driving there and wondering how would you like it. Apparently it seems possible to have internet though very slow conncetion, while there is no electricity, but I will get solar panel and no FM and AM radio, which bothers me a lot... but... let me know about your house's seeking progress!
any news about ex-benqers?
