I stopped reading it mostly for the reasons tante is not reading it at all. Too many of those people there, even when they have "software developer" as occupation in their profile, IMHO, don't have any clue about what they are talking.
Especially this focus on the ship, the crew, combat is realy turning me off. What made the 'verse so attractive as MMORPG setting is it's open space environment, giving the chance to create that "uncle own simulator" type game. You can become what you what in that 'verse, you weren't forced to become the next jedi or in this case Mal or Zoe.
I become more and more disgusted by any discussion especially as that the level of discussion is that of a 6 year old playing WoW with his daddy holding his hand buying him stuff from ebay because he can't compete.
It's realy realy realy bad there.
I'm already thinking about "being the total prick" writing a very offensive post there just to clear their heads but I don't think anybody would understand me because I can't set my mind to that of a brainless dead body which seems to be the level of discussions ... :( ... .
I fear for the worst for the Firefly MMO, if "that" fanbase even gets one idea into the game, the game is even more screwed that SWG with the NGE :( ....
Want an extraordinary example? Here:
If a Firefly game hopes to reflect the themes of the series, it will need to break from convention in significant ways. Here's one I've been thinking about recently.Isn't this the strenght and the fascinating thing of an MMORPG ? Creating a real "living" environment where you're trader is not just an NPC but a real person ?
I think the game should avoid the usual MMORPG tendency to simulate too much of the game world (or universe as the case may be). In most games, there seems to be the implied goal that players will fill a wide variety of roles, forming an more-or-less complete simulated community.
If you don't want to socialice, why play an MMORPG at all?
That's great for social sims, but this is (or should be, in my opinion) a game about
crewing a tramp frieghter on the frontiers of space. The idea of designing
generalized systems for the economy, player housing, crafting etc., etd. could
be a lot of fun, but it would have very little to do with Firefly. These kinds
of systems should only be developed to the extent that they support the central
mode of play.
I put that into my reply in that thread. If you want that game play, you better play an adventure
I want to see the devs putting 95% of their creative energy in nailing the one thing that matters most about Firefly. Namely, crewing a tramp freighter on the rim. The gameplay for the basic activities of doing that should be at the forefront. Navigating, piloting, mechanicking, communications, trading, speculating, smuggling, detection, stealth, etc, should receive the lion's share of the developers attention. Within reason, every aspect of keeping a ship in the air should be represented with fun, integrated gameplay. The bulk of the design effort should be in support of this notion. If crewing a Firefly isn't the 'fun' part of the game, it will have missed its target.
Firefly is about a special breed of people. Not everyone has the spirit and gumption to head out to the black. Only a select few people are willing to give up on civilized life and take up the travails of the vagabond. Most folks are just looking for safety and security. They're called NPCs.
And that's just one example, there are multiple of similar thread on this level discussion "possible" gameplays for Firefly ..... :(
Yeah, pretty much exactly why I do not spend any time there or on Wade's page.
People talking out of their ass without thinking or understanding what Firefly was really about. It will fail, everyone knows it apart from a few people who think they are participating in something great.
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