Department of Homeland Security will den Masterschlüssel fürs DNS
Das US-amerikanische Department of Homeland Security (DHS), das nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001 als eine Art US-Superbehörde für innere Sicherheit gegründet wurde, will den Schlüssel für die Signierung der DNS-Rootzone allein in der Hand der US-Regierungen sehen.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
All your bases belong to us!
Or should I write : "All your DNS belong to the U.S. ?"
Heute in meiner Inbox:
Schach ist offensichtlich ein menschenverachtendes Killerspiel und gehört endlich verboten!
Ziel des Spiels ist es den gegnerischen König zu eliminieren. Eine Regierung soll also durch gezielte Kommandoüberfälle ausgeschaltet werden. Zu diesem Zweck werden oft Bauern eingesetzt, die dann geopfert werden.
Diese rituellen Menschenopfer lassen einen satanistischen Hintergrund bei Schachspielern vermuten. Außerdem haben Schachspieler offensichtlich keinerlei Respekt vor dem Leben unserer Landwirte und legen damit eine Menschenverachtung an den Tag, die ihres gleichen sucht.
Die Bauern werden oft als fanatische Selbstmordattentäter eingesetzt. Schachklubs sind daher als Brutstätten des internationalen Terrorismus anzusehen. Das paßt auch zum Profil eines Schachspielers: es sind oft Einzelgänger die sich von normalen Menschen abkapseln.
Besonders besorgniserregend ist, daß es angeblich sogar seit langem konspirative Schachserver im Internet gibt…
Auch Sportler werden nicht verschont. Das Meucheln von Läufern gehört zum Schach dazu, ebenso wie die Gewalt gegen Gebäude. Der rüde Umgang mit den Türmen im Schachspiel ist sicher die Ursache den zunehmenden Vandalismus in unserer Gesellschaft. Die schachspielende Jugend wird schon in frühester Kindheit darauf geprägt keinerlei Achtung vor dem Hab und Gut anderer Leute zu haben.
Jeder Respekt vor Recht und Ordnung ist Schachspielern verloren gegangen. Ganze Türme werden ohne vorherige Einholung einer behördlichen Baugenehmigung von Ihrem Besitzer einfach umgesetzt. So geht das nun wirklich nicht!
Schach ist ein extrem brutales Spiel. Figuren werden gleich reihenweise geschlagen, manchmal sogar einfach im Vorübergehen. Besonders verwerflich ist hierbei das Schlagen von Pferden, ein grober Verstoß gegen das Tierschutzgesetz. Wer kann nur unseren Mitgeschöpfen, den treuen Begleitern des Menschen, so etwas Böses antun? Was für Monster sind Schachspieler eigentlich?
Im Schach wird regelmäßig Gewalt gegen Frauen ausgeübt. Wie oft wird eine Dame geschlagen? Und schlimmer: wem es gelingt eine Dame zu schlagen, der wird in diesem perversesten aller Killerspiele oft auch noch mit dem Sieg belohnt! Pfui Teufel!
Sicherlich gäbe es keine Gewalt gegen Frauen mehr, wenn unsere Kinder nicht durch das Schachspiel vollkommen verrohen würden.
Schachspiel ist auch Training für Mord, denn nur um den Sieg davonzutragen (definitiv aus niedrigen Beweggründen), wird listig und heimtückisch arglosen Figuren eine tödliche Falle gestellt.
Was bleibt also noch zu sagen? Beim Schach handelt es sich um ein terroristisches Spiel mit satanistischen Wurzeln. Selbstmordattentate sowie Gewalt gegen Menschen, Tiere und Gebäude sind Programm. Heimtücke und Hinterlist führen zum Sieg. Die Bauordnung wir nicht einmal erwähnt und damit vollkommen mißachtet. Das Internet wird mißbraucht.
Schach ist also eindeutig ein Killerspiel und die Verbreitung von Schachbrettern sollte unter Strafe gestellt werden.
Vorsicht! Aus gut unterrichteten Quellen haben wir erfahren, daß es in Sachsen-Anhalt ein ganzes Schachdorf gibt. Lebt diese Kolonie von Schachspielern in sektenähnlichen Strukturen? Sind sie bewaffnet?
Es bleibt zu hoffen, daß dieser Ort unter besonderer staatlicher Aufsicht steht. Wer weiß was von da auf uns zukommt – steht uns vielleicht ein deutsches Waco ins Haus?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Weeee !
Toys toys toys ...
I bought 2GB Kingston RAM for my Laptop to "upgrade it" rather than buy a whole new Laptop. It does make a difference if you spend 200Euros or 2000Euros =) .
The Acer support pointed to me to an online shop, who is selling spare parts for my model and had also some exploded diagramms of it. Disassembling wasn't that easy as I expected, or it was but not that obvious as I missed two screws who were holding the keyboard and the main part together but apart from that everything went smoot. Well as smooth as Murphy allows it. I have one screw left over and I don't know where it belongs ... :D ... .
I bought 2GB Kingston RAM for my Laptop to "upgrade it" rather than buy a whole new Laptop. It does make a difference if you spend 200Euros or 2000Euros =) .
The Acer support pointed to me to an online shop, who is selling spare parts for my model and had also some exploded diagramms of it. Disassembling wasn't that easy as I expected, or it was but not that obvious as I missed two screws who were holding the keyboard and the main part together but apart from that everything went smoot. Well as smooth as Murphy allows it. I have one screw left over and I don't know where it belongs ... :D ... .
Monday, March 26, 2007
You can shoot me now ...
I bought WoW ...
I talked to Ogi and the old REB bunch a bit via ventrilo and I realy miss playing with them.
I have it here on my desk and am just updating the client with my old character from my trial time. Not sure when I'm going to activate but I already bought it.
Call me stupid ;).
I talked to Ogi and the old REB bunch a bit via ventrilo and I realy miss playing with them.
I have it here on my desk and am just updating the client with my old character from my trial time. Not sure when I'm going to activate but I already bought it.
Call me stupid ;).
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
"... you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell"
"It's more a question of what's morally right."
.. and that is certainly questionable. I know that.
Honestly, I'll try not to screw up ... .
Sorry for the troubles.
.. and that is certainly questionable. I know that.
Honestly, I'll try not to screw up ... .
Sorry for the troubles.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Kann sich jemand hieran erinnern :
Vielleicht ist es doch nicht die Mafia, die "sitzt" ja "normalerweise" in Italien.
Vielleicht doch eher was Deutsches:
Vielleicht ist es doch nicht die Mafia, die "sitzt" ja "normalerweise" in Italien.
Vielleicht doch eher was Deutsches:
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Moving moving moving ..
So what do I do with my weekends in Nuremberg.
Appereantly moving.
Wahyu, an indonesian colleagoue asked me if I could help him moving his kitchen.
He doesn't have a german driver license yet and naturally not a car either.
He already asked me a few weeks ago that he might need my help, since he was looking for a kitchen already a while, so he found one and had to pick it up this weekend.
It as one 2m long work desk and another one 1.5m long, it has three cupboards 2m high, one with an frige as well as a freeze, bot about 1.20 high. It also has a dishwasher and naturall the oven and the electric plates.
So there I went saturday evening he was alraedy disasemblying part of the kitchen and picked him up together with Vito (another indonesian guy currently living at his place till end march) and again on sunday morning at 10am to pich the both of them up to grab the rest.
Grab is rather easy said, especially since Wahyu lives on the third floor. Luckily he called two other friends helping out but in the end was carrying 12 times stuff up - heavy stuff - heavy kitchen stuff not mine. Well it was fun and I'll get my revenge on thursday. I need something from ikea and I'm living on the third floor as well ;).
Anyway I'm pretty dead or exhausted, I'll gonna spend some time with my "screensaver" and see how bad the TV programm is on sunday ... .
Appereantly moving.
Wahyu, an indonesian colleagoue asked me if I could help him moving his kitchen.
He doesn't have a german driver license yet and naturally not a car either.
He already asked me a few weeks ago that he might need my help, since he was looking for a kitchen already a while, so he found one and had to pick it up this weekend.
It as one 2m long work desk and another one 1.5m long, it has three cupboards 2m high, one with an frige as well as a freeze, bot about 1.20 high. It also has a dishwasher and naturall the oven and the electric plates.
So there I went saturday evening he was alraedy disasemblying part of the kitchen and picked him up together with Vito (another indonesian guy currently living at his place till end march) and again on sunday morning at 10am to pich the both of them up to grab the rest.
Grab is rather easy said, especially since Wahyu lives on the third floor. Luckily he called two other friends helping out but in the end was carrying 12 times stuff up - heavy stuff - heavy kitchen stuff not mine. Well it was fun and I'll get my revenge on thursday. I need something from ikea and I'm living on the third floor as well ;).
Anyway I'm pretty dead or exhausted, I'll gonna spend some time with my "screensaver" and see how bad the TV programm is on sunday ... .
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
...I want to ride my bicycle ....
And so I did. First day with the bicycle, didn't found the route I had in mind so I just took the one I usually drive with the car, which is due to the type of the streets and the lack of a seperate bicycle part, a rather bad decisions but we'll improve during the next few days if the weather keeps up like this.
22min. traveling time only, compared to the 20 min. I needed yesterday by car not that bad.
22min. traveling time only, compared to the 20 min. I needed yesterday by car not that bad.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Ich bin drin !
Woot !!
Connection should have been up since yesterday but it wasn't. I called Arcor, they send someone along who removed a resistor and woooot!
I'm online again !!
Connection should have been up since yesterday but it wasn't. I called Arcor, they send someone along who removed a resistor and woooot!
I'm online again !!
Friday, March 09, 2007
I just stumbled upon this article:
Aliens shun Genetically Manipulated crops at The Register
which is referring to this one:
Aliens refuse to make circles in GM crops in the Weekly World Inquisitor.
Kornel, you have to read those!
Aliens shun Genetically Manipulated crops at The Register
which is referring to this one:
Aliens refuse to make circles in GM crops in the Weekly World Inquisitor.
Kornel, you have to read those!
Way to go !
Got up at 5:30, Taxi to Malmö took 20min and we arrived perfectly to grab our train. Got straight to the airport 7:30 an hour to go with an almost endless cue infront of the checking. Luckily I can checking automatically - NOT.....
It just didn't wanted to give me my ticket. After patiently waiting 40min. in the cue I realy got nervous 'cause my flight wanted to leave in 20min. So I passed the line, went to the "wrong" buisness counter and asked politly if she couldn't hand me out my ticket - nope, I didn't needed to threaten anybody - obviuosly somehow my name was written wrong, which was the reasons why I couldn't get my ticket from the automat. A short call and .... yes the plane was already gone.
I had to rebook my ticket to another flight to Frankfurt at 9:05 rather than waiting there two or three hours I planned taking the train to Nuremberg, rather than flying to Nuremberg from Frankfurt. Everything looked good - NOT.....
The security line - how could I forget that today was "standing in the line day to miss your fights". It took me another 40 mins to get pass the security I had 15mins. left to catch my flight, I missed my first one by this margin but yes, this time I was lucky. The crew was delayed, puhhhh ... .
So yes traveling is fun, checking in is fun as well but standing in the lines, no way!
It just didn't wanted to give me my ticket. After patiently waiting 40min. in the cue I realy got nervous 'cause my flight wanted to leave in 20min. So I passed the line, went to the "wrong" buisness counter and asked politly if she couldn't hand me out my ticket - nope, I didn't needed to threaten anybody - obviuosly somehow my name was written wrong, which was the reasons why I couldn't get my ticket from the automat. A short call and .... yes the plane was already gone.
I had to rebook my ticket to another flight to Frankfurt at 9:05 rather than waiting there two or three hours I planned taking the train to Nuremberg, rather than flying to Nuremberg from Frankfurt. Everything looked good - NOT.....
The security line - how could I forget that today was "standing in the line day to miss your fights". It took me another 40 mins to get pass the security I had 15mins. left to catch my flight, I missed my first one by this margin but yes, this time I was lucky. The crew was delayed, puhhhh ... .
So yes traveling is fun, checking in is fun as well but standing in the lines, no way!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Meeting Ogi ....
Was very cool. I know Ogi now already like two or three years ? I have been talking to him almost a year straight close to every evening while we were playing Star Wars Galaxies and now I finally have the chance to meet him in personal.
Cool guy.
Despite the warning I had from Elandrial - who said Ogi wasn't that tall - I was realy surprised that the really wasn't that tall. But apart from that, cool guy. I'm not tall, with my 1.58m, so I'm used to being called small.
So we met Ogi, we found a parking place and had some real good food for dinner and were chatting and talking just like we have during our REB SWG times, I realy felt getting home and I realy started missing all those/you guys from my SWG days. Especially when Ogi started talking about who else was in REB in WoW. I fear if I would have internet an week or two earlier I realy might have joined you guys in WoW. I'm still considering it because I miss the time just chatting with you guys on ventrilo or gaming with you, but it is still WoW.
Give me some SPACE and SCI FI !!!!
Freaks guys !
I'm a little bit drunk and need to get up at 5:30 at least to grab my taxi, train and flight at 8:30.
Next time I'm in sweden, I got to make sure to Elan is joininig in as well :) ...
Cool guy.
Despite the warning I had from Elandrial - who said Ogi wasn't that tall - I was realy surprised that the really wasn't that tall. But apart from that, cool guy. I'm not tall, with my 1.58m, so I'm used to being called small.
So we met Ogi, we found a parking place and had some real good food for dinner and were chatting and talking just like we have during our REB SWG times, I realy felt getting home and I realy started missing all those/you guys from my SWG days. Especially when Ogi started talking about who else was in REB in WoW. I fear if I would have internet an week or two earlier I realy might have joined you guys in WoW. I'm still considering it because I miss the time just chatting with you guys on ventrilo or gaming with you, but it is still WoW.
Give me some SPACE and SCI FI !!!!
Freaks guys !
I'm a little bit drunk and need to get up at 5:30 at least to grab my taxi, train and flight at 8:30.
Next time I'm in sweden, I got to make sure to Elan is joininig in as well :) ...
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Did I mentioned ...
I like flying and checking in in hotels?
We left nuremberg at around 15:00 the flight took an hour, then an hour break, another hour flight and by train finally arriving at 20:30. All pretty easy without anything special happening. The hotel here is quite a nice one looks pretty good, I'll upload some pictures .. laters ;).
And yes, I have internet here :D .. nice !

update: I know these are just some pictures from my hotel, but that's all I had time to made, the first is the lobby, second and third are my room.
We left nuremberg at around 15:00 the flight took an hour, then an hour break, another hour flight and by train finally arriving at 20:30. All pretty easy without anything special happening. The hotel here is quite a nice one looks pretty good, I'll upload some pictures .. laters ;).
And yes, I have internet here :D .. nice !

update: I know these are just some pictures from my hotel, but that's all I had time to made, the first is the lobby, second and third are my room.

Gone for a few days
I'm on a buisness trip for a few days. The trip is going to to sweden and I hooked up with some old REBs and it looks like I'm going to meet one the first time face to face in real life. I might have internet access at the hotel and but I'm not sure about that, though I certainly will take some pictures and upload them sonner or later. Besides that work has finally gotten hold of me here and it's nice to realy work again.
Also Arcor managed to send me the hardware required for my DSL and it looks like everything is working. When everything happens according to their shedule I should get my access information with then next few days as well. So I might get back from my buisness trip to jump back into the world wide spam that the internet currently is ;).
Also Arcor managed to send me the hardware required for my DSL and it looks like everything is working. When everything happens according to their shedule I should get my access information with then next few days as well. So I might get back from my buisness trip to jump back into the world wide spam that the internet currently is ;).
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