some start thinking about a social network regarding a self induced regulation to improve themself in an overall sense, trying to discard bad habbits or to improve their own character,
others are just trying to get "their belly off".
In the end, both are just different levels of self reflecting on ones lifes to improve it along a certain scale, a simple physical or a higher moral one.
I followed the concept, but I called it "living like a monk" - just in my mind, but that's just between me and my mind.
The idea was, that when I moved out to my first job assignment, I moved to a very - I mean very very - small town and apart from my work and a martial arts school nothing else what it offered to do and that I would concentrate my life on the basic things again, a certain "back to the roots" or as others call it "a simple life".
So I started stripping my life down to just a few basic needs, naturally including stuff that I liked, but in general the idea was to have a strict timetable and getting a real routine in following it. Humans tend to do follow habbits, in that we just follow a behavioural condition, which is either imposed to us by ourself or somebody else.
For children this tends to be the good willing parents, teaching you to brush your teeth everyday and at a certain point it sinks into your daily pattern, that it's just something you do. When we get older there are less people that have such a strong influence on our life but my aim with my "living like a monk" idea was to try to sink in as much as possible behaviour patterns that would be good to me. It ended up at least for me in KLF to a opimization or fine tuning of my time management and it worked out.
I was getting more stuff done in the same amount of time, while at the same time having more time for the fun stuff, which I, as mentioned before, also put into my daily/weekly time table.
I still follow this behavioural pattern, the timetable has changed, since I moved away. I had to put in more "dead" times as nuremberg is not KLF and you "loose" more time traveling from one place to another - which is a good example of how small KLF was - but in general it is still doing me good. As always there is still some room for improvements, but that's not really the point. The point is, that I get all the stuff done I want to get done and have even time to cramp in some more without stressing it by just slightly "fine tuning" the timetable.