Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Bilder von meinem Bday - offline

Sind nicht meine, daher nur nen linky:

- hier waren sie mal -
ich werd sie bei zeiten uploaden.

War das letzte WE auf 'nem Arnis Lehrgang in Oberhausen, war ziemlich cool auch wenn das Fahren recht anstrengend ist. Hab' inzwischen herausgefunden das man mit Air Berlin für knapp 19 + Gebühren also um die 30 bis 40 nach Düsseldort, Hamburg oder Berlin fliegen kann - leider nicht nach Bremen.

Internet wird sich wohl noch etwas ziehen, dafür werde ich arbeitsbedingt wohl nächste Wochen für zwei Tage nach Schweden nach Lund fliegen. Da hier in Bayern die Winterferien gerade zu Ende sind hat auch Kendo wieder angefangen und ich werde heute mal auch zum Mittwochstraining gehen. Hakama, Keiko Gi und Bokken sind bestellt, ich denke das dauert noch ca. 14 Tage.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wer's glaubt wird seelig

Spionagevorwürfe gegen Microsoft
22. Feb 08:09, ergänzt 11:05

Die Firma WebTrends ist bei Microsoft wohl bekannt. Es handele sich bei ihr um «einen unabhängigen Dienstleister», gab ein Microsoft-Sprecher auf Nachfrage des ORF zu. Er widerspricht jedoch dem Vorwurf der Datenspionage. „Die Daten, die WebTrends sammelt und analysiert, verwenden wir dazu, unsere Online-Hilfe benutzerfreundlicher zu machen“, beteuert auch Microsoft-Managerin Pamela Sindall in Redmont (USA): «Dabei werden keine persönlichen Daten gesammelt.» (nz)

Desweiteren nur ein kurzer Link zur tante, der sich über das SchülerVZ auslässt. Mehr hab ich dazu auch nicht zu sagen.

Ja, ich gestehe ich bin bei StudiVZ gemeldet, aber das was die an Daten von mir haben ist nicht "nutzbar". Wollte da nur mal "angeln" gehen und sehen wer da alles ist. Ja, ich gestehe ebenfalls ich bin auch bei, allerdings kann ich darüber mit ein Haufen alter Kollegen in Kontakt bleiben. Es hängt immer auch ein wenig davon, wie man diese Portale nutzt.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My battlecruiser, my destroyer, my hauler, ....

Just a small gallerie of my ships in eve online.

My Cyclone: Shindig III

Free Image Hosting at

My Trasher: Venegance II

Free Image Hosting at

My wreath: Train Job

Free Image Hosting at

Free Image Hosting at

Friday, February 16, 2007

Yepp, it's me!

I'm getting one year older, according to my birth documents at 18:30.

I'll have some friends coming this direction from Oldenburg as well as KLF, Hannover and Giesen, which seems to be my sister and she arrived already yesterday. I'll try to remember to take some pictures with my BenQ phone so I can put them up later.

See you around!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

But I haven't started threatening anybody yet !

Another call to 08003301000 to the t-com at 14:45 took me 11 min. into a waiting line with easy "Fahrstuhlmusik". Easy on the speaker from the phone I was able to keep working, but I wanted a result and not just mask the fans in my office.

The last t-com henchmen mentioned to me the 08003302000 and braniac and desperate I was I just randomly tried that one. Got into another waiting line, got somebody on the phone who wasn't responsible, got into another waiting line and finally got to a person who was appareantly capable.

Using "several different t-com programs" to handle "their data" he was able to get me some information about the status and an approximate time and date for a "technicel inclined t-com henchmen", who needs to visit my appartment but he called back to confirm everything.

30 mins. later and a call he said everything is set for thursday 15. febr. somewhere between 12 and 17:00 but the they'll call me half an hour in advance so I don't have to waste another day at home rather than work.

So, I'll just go to my kendo lesson this evening rather than trying some stuff at a some random t-com henchmen in a shop, bah! ;) Could have been soo much fun!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

So the mighty T-Com screwed up my move ...

.... should I start threatening people with brute force or am I polite and offer them the possibility to do hara kiri themself ?

Also, what's going on germany? - Did I missed something ? Can I go out and beat everybody up now as well? I realy would like to see how my bokken or my bahi sticks work out on some meat but so far my parents teached me that hurting people is bad.

Another thing, if we are hurting people, why don't we try it on some who realy would deserve at least some kind of beating: LARIDSCHANIS SKANDALAUFTRITT IN MÜNCHEN.

Munich isn't that far away. I could drive there if somebody askes me too ;).

Friday, February 09, 2007

Multiverse Forum for the Firefly MMO

Multiverse Forum for the Firefly MMO

I stopped reading it mostly for the reasons tante is not reading it at all. Too many of those people there, even when they have "software developer" as occupation in their profile, IMHO, don't have any clue about what they are talking.

Especially this focus on the ship, the crew, combat is realy turning me off. What made the 'verse so attractive as MMORPG setting is it's open space environment, giving the chance to create that "uncle own simulator" type game. You can become what you what in that 'verse, you weren't forced to become the next jedi or in this case Mal or Zoe.

I become more and more disgusted by any discussion especially as that the level of discussion is that of a 6 year old playing WoW with his daddy holding his hand buying him stuff from ebay because he can't compete.

It's realy realy realy bad there.

I'm already thinking about "being the total prick" writing a very offensive post there just to clear their heads but I don't think anybody would understand me because I can't set my mind to that of a brainless dead body which seems to be the level of discussions ... :( ... .

I fear for the worst for the Firefly MMO, if "that" fanbase even gets one idea into the game, the game is even more screwed that SWG with the NGE :( ....

Want an extraordinary example? Here:

If a Firefly game hopes to reflect the themes of the series, it will need to break from convention in significant ways. Here's one I've been thinking about recently.

I think the game should avoid the usual MMORPG tendency to simulate too much of the game world (or universe as the case may be). In most games, there seems to be the implied goal that players will fill a wide variety of roles, forming an more-or-less complete simulated community.
Isn't this the strenght and the fascinating thing of an MMORPG ? Creating a real "living" environment where you're trader is not just an NPC but a real person ?

That's great for social sims, but this is (or should be, in my opinion) a game about
crewing a tramp frieghter on the frontiers of space. The idea of designing
generalized systems for the economy, player housing, crafting etc., etd. could
be a lot of fun, but it would have very little to do with Firefly. These kinds
of systems should only be developed to the extent that they support the central
mode of play.
If you don't want to socialice, why play an MMORPG at all?

I want to see the devs putting 95% of their creative energy in nailing the one thing that matters most about Firefly. Namely, crewing a tramp freighter on the rim. The gameplay for the basic activities of doing that should be at the forefront. Navigating, piloting, mechanicking, communications, trading, speculating, smuggling, detection, stealth, etc, should receive the lion's share of the developers attention. Within reason, every aspect of keeping a ship in the air should be represented with fun, integrated gameplay. The bulk of the design effort should be in support of this notion. If crewing a Firefly isn't the 'fun' part of the game, it will have missed its target.
I put that into my reply in that thread. If you want that game play, you better play an adventure

Firefly is about a special breed of people. Not everyone has the spirit and gumption to head out to the black. Only a select few people are willing to give up on civilized life and take up the travails of the vagabond. Most folks are just looking for safety and security. They're called NPCs.

And that's just one example, there are multiple of similar thread on this level discussion "possible" gameplays for Firefly ..... :(

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Some promised pictures

Snow in Nürnberg. Pictures taken from the parking garage at my work:

And here my appartement:
Living room


Kitchen and Balkony

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Moving, moving, moving ...

The last few days have been pretty busy, obviously with me moving.

So I got the keys one day ahead on the 31. Jan so I was able to estimate the amount of laminate I needed. I bought it on thursday carrying 7 packets of 2.7something square meters up to the 3rd floor and made a short workday on friday. With help of my parents, who were so kind to take the day of and drive the whole 500something kilometers, we managed to get about 80% of the room done by midnight.

It was bit tricky in the beginning, as expected but all in all it went pretty smooth. We finished the last three rows on saturday morning cleaning the appartement before we left to KLF, where we arrived at I dont know anymore ;). It wasn't that late as feared by myself but it wasn't that early as I wanted. Saturday evening was thus also more relaxing for the final push of packing stuff up on sunday. Sunday was busy but we realy packed up everything.

Monday morning at around half nine the spedition showed up, a big truck and two people - somehow I expected three but the two of them were pretty capable. They moved everything into the truck in about 3hours with me being slightly mean, I was more pointing directions then loading things, I did feel a bit guilty but he ! That's why I was paying them. I felt realy guilty when they moved my two parador vitrines. I advised them before to disassmeble them ;), but they don't look that bad but they weight a lot - and I mean realy a lot. I warned them.

The key exchange from my old appartment was at half one and I hit the gas to catch up on the truck while my parents drove home - again thanks mom and dad, I'd never managed to move that smooth without your two help. I did catched up on the truck - besides the almost two hours headstart they had - but at a price. Driving an average of 150km/h I did managed to hit automatic speed control check, which wouldn't bother me that much. It's a game and if you get cought you lost, but I'm not so sure about the speed limit I passed. As far as I remember the speed limit was 130, but I passed an 100 sign shortly after the speed check. And if it was 100 before, well, in that case my move got a little bit more expensive.

Half 7 the truck arrived, I was an hour earlier and at 22.30 they were done unloading, again I do feel guilty not helping that much as I could but I just couldn't get myself carrying so much stuff up to the 3rd floor but the two of them did a great job.

So that was the move.
Pictures are on my desktop computer, I load them up next time when I'm online.

Friday, February 02, 2007

MS Windows Vista Voice Control: "Open File Explorer, Select all, Delete, Yes"

Fun with MS Windows Vista:

Security Warning - Turn off Your Speakers while Surfing on Windows Vista

Topic: Notebooks and PCs
Recommend Story: Digg

Posted on Thu, 1 Feb 2007 13:05:02 CST
Warning! Turn of your speakers while surfing the web on Windows Vista. Windows Vista's speech recognition could listen to audio files commanding to delete files. This is the funniest security flaw I ever heard about. A report by George Ou on ZDNet talks about the possibility of playing audio files on web sites that would issue commands that the Vista voice recognition understands. Microsoft already responded and acknowledged that this is possible and a security issue. Of course only commands can be issued that the currently logged in user has the rights to. This has the potential to become a sport though.

You should try this. Call your buddy who already has Vista installed and ask him to put you on speaker phone. Then you say "Open File Explorer, Select all, Delete, Yes".

Thursday, February 01, 2007

So I got something to do ....

and something for real as well. Yepp, my lazy times are over now. I got handed some minor and some less minor works right now at work and I'm all up for it.

The work I'm doing here is slightly different from what I was doing at BenQ, it's more geared toward the baseband development but as curious as I am, it just suits me. I just have to get some more adminstrative stuff getting done, I'm still missing my own lab table and some other stuff but that all has time.

Further, I got my keys to my appartment on wednesday, so I was able to measure out how much laminate I'm going to need. Also opposed to what I thought, each packet of laminate is not just 1sqm but 2.7 sqm so didn't had to carry up 20 packets up but just seven. I'll be starting that tomorrow in the afternoon, might leave early at work as well for that.

Also my parents offered to help me and they will also arrive somewhen friday afternoon and join me to KLF to do the last packing there for the final move on monday. The spedition has offered to do everything in two days to make sure everything gets across savely so well pack up on monday and drop on tuesday in Nürnberg.

Regarding the kitchen in KLF my follower is taking it for an aceptable price, I'm okay with it, he is okay so I everything is alright. In Nürnberg Im going to cook on gas rather than on electricity. I ll have to by a new fridge and some other kitchen stuff but I don't mind that. Gives me more freedom to get that they way I want.

Anyway that's it for now. I ll be posting something probadly next thursday or later. Cya !

that might include pictures though these will be only taken with my mobilephone. If the quality is good don't blame me, I was responsible for audio/acoustics at BenQ not for camera ;).