Thursday, May 31, 2007

Invading sweden part II

So I'm in sweden again, this time it's Linköping again due to work. The flight was very easy. Nürnberg - Kopenhagen, Kopenhagen - Linköping. The machine from Kopenhagen to Linköping was a very small one and the airport was the smallers airport I've seen so far, you almost get out right at the runway. Funny but still it serves it purpose.

Our hotel seems to be right in the middle of Linköping and due to a delay because of DHL we have a easy later afternoon/ evening. Let's hope everything will go smooth tomorrow.

Anyway I'll add some pictures later.

Update Pictures:
Our Hotel

View from the entrance:

My room:

Plata, very good dinner!

The church from slightly outside, the city is really rather small ;)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

#Fixme, "Belly Off"

While some start thinking about a social network regarding a self induced regulation to improve themself in an overall sense, trying to discard bad habbits or to improve their own character, others are just trying to get "their belly off".

In the end, both are just different levels of self reflecting on ones lifes to improve it along a certain scale, a simple physical or a higher moral one.

I followed the concept, but I called it "living like a monk" - just in my mind, but that's just between me and my mind.

The idea was, that when I moved out to my first job assignment, I moved to a very - I mean very very - small town and apart from my work and a martial arts school nothing else what it offered to do and that I would concentrate my life on the basic things again, a certain "back to the roots" or as others call it "a simple life".

So I started stripping my life down to just a few basic needs, naturally including stuff that I liked, but in general the idea was to have a strict timetable and getting a real routine in following it. Humans tend to do follow habbits, in that we just follow a behavioural condition, which is either imposed to us by ourself or somebody else.

For children this tends to be the good willing parents, teaching you to brush your teeth everyday and at a certain point it sinks into your daily pattern, that it's just something you do. When we get older there are less people that have such a strong influence on our life but my aim with my "living like a monk" idea was to try to sink in as much as possible behaviour patterns that would be good to me. It ended up at least for me in KLF to a opimization or fine tuning of my time management and it worked out.

I was getting more stuff done in the same amount of time, while at the same time having more time for the fun stuff, which I, as mentioned before, also put into my daily/weekly time table.

I still follow this behavioural pattern, the timetable has changed, since I moved away. I had to put in more "dead" times as nuremberg is not KLF and you "loose" more time traveling from one place to another - which is a good example of how small KLF was - but in general it is still doing me good. As always there is still some room for improvements, but that's not really the point. The point is, that I get all the stuff done I want to get done and have even time to cramp in some more without stressing it by just slightly "fine tuning" the timetable.


I sah this today in my current sysadmins office and since I know some more of those:

Have a nice day!

A physicist

I just remembered something funny.

Amick asked me about half a year if I could help here move out of her old appartment into a new one.

I didn't really had that much time but promised I would drop in for an hour or so to help, 'cause the date was just the date my sister wanted to drive the 3 1/2 hour back from my parents place.

Anyway as I know Amick, she used to have a lot of friends, capable of carrying a lot so I didn't execpted a lot of hassle. It appeared I was wrong ;). First thing we arrived was, that she had locked herself out of her new appartment. Luckily she had some roommates but to find them was a bit tricky, but in the end we had someone opening up the door again. The second thing was, that she was doing the whole move with just like 4 people and two cars. Moving up into the third floor (IIRR) that's a lot of stairs to go up and down. Anyway, I like moving as long as it isn't my own move so me and my sister helped her moving stuf up. So that's 5 girls and me.

So eager I am, I carry the heavy stuff, not that there is so much heavy stuff, which wasn't that heavy at all but anyway I carry it, and I seem to impress the girls, flattering already but that wasn't what I sprung into my mind again.

It was Amicks comment to that. She commented it as "Ein Physiker halt ... ".

So far I had perceived that the stereotypical physicist in the common population was a "star wars/star trek loving techno babbling computer geek playing weirdo fantasy games and listening to angry musik with long hair either under or overweighted due to lack of physical excercises and unhealty food".

Well, I hit, apart fromt he lack of physical excercises, due me being a martial arts junkie, all those stereotypes - okay .. I cut my hair but it's getting longer again - but still, the stereotypical physicist would not be able to handle those crates that easily.

Anyway, Amick corrected that pictures as well " ... one who does a lot of sport" but still, to her for a brief second I changed the picture of that stereotypical physicist to include being physical in good shape.

That was flattering ;).

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

BenQ Mobile

Tante schickte mir gestern diese (allerdings gestern schon von Golem berichtet), hier aber mal vom Spiegel:

BenQ- Pleite: Entlassene Mitarbeiter müssen Millionen zurückzahlen

Bei den anderen 140 Betroffenen fielen die Beträge zwar teilweise noch höher aus, doch es treffe in der Regel gut verdienende ehemalige Führungskräfte, heißt es bei der Insolvenzverwaltung. Sie hatten im Jahr 2005 beim Verkauf der Siemens-Handysparte an BenQ Bleibeprämien zwischen 18.000 und 75.000 Euro vereinbart. In einigen Fällen gehe es aber auch um Boni bis zu 200.000 Euro, erklärte Prager.
Ich denke sowas nennt man Vetterwirtschaft.

Und nein, mich erwischen die nicht ;).

So viel Geld bekomm ich nun auch wiederum nicht.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Overkill madness

Ships shows up, go boom!


Battlestar Galactica Vs Star Wars Vs Star Trek Vs Babylon 5

No Peace: Babylon 5 vs Star Trek vs Star Wars vs Galactica

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Meh ...

I did some testing with my graphic card, again, and I got it to work, again.

Not sure what caused the breakdown of it, but so far it is working, although I'm closely monitoring it. I also checked the warranty and it is 24months, so I have some time to check if it just was a hickup in the system, the card not fitting or if it is somehow broken.

Apart from that, my DSL WLAN Router is still off duty because, it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting randomly, what makes surfing the internet and especially gaming rather difficult.

I'm also thinking about stopping on my WoW adventure for a while, or at least change the subscription method from credit card to game time cards. Although it is really fun to play with my old SWG mates and hang around and game with them, it just doesn't appeal to me. Having that said, expect tante to comment here in 10 ... 9 ... 8 ...

So now for the good news:
I mentioned it to some already, Tako announced last week tuesday that some of the new people at Kendo, among them myself, would receive their armor this friday.

Well, she changed her mind, I got mine already yesterday :) wooooot!

Monday, May 21, 2007


Some are good, some are bad.

I recently found this:

3 Minutes & 29 Seconds... This is it! AICN scored the motherfucking premiere footage of JOHN RAMBO! This ain't PG13, NO-WAY!

Which probably is ... well getting old, but just reading the sideboards, I noticed that

25 Years Ago: The Best Genre Year Ever! Part VI! Cartuna Remember THE SECRET OF NIMH!--54 total posts

was mentioned. Now that was one of a kind fantastic movie. More so this got my attention that much that I looked further and found this a link to this:

Hall stays dead quiet about role in Batman saga

And that is a movie I'll be waiting for.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

My graphic card just broke down ...

... and it's 11 days + 1 year ago I bought it :-/ .

I'll see what mindfactory wants to about this.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

It's out: Starcraft 2

There we go, no MMO, "just" another RTS.

I'll gonna have a close look on this ;)

Gameplay video footage preview:

Friday, May 11, 2007

Cat videos are funny

... but this isn't a cat

and neither are these

MMO Server Hosting

We all, well all MMO players, know that the server has it's up and downs, but I recently found out this tidbit of info on the eve online forum:

CCP, an idea to improve performance (Dev info leaked within).


We all know the hamsters have a tough job keeping the servers running, as this leaked vid from a dev clearly shows:

- CCP Server

As you can see, the hamster is dedicated to his job, and never gives up
trying to keep the servers running for us. What the hamster needs to increase performance is some form of recreation during downtime, to help it relax and have fun before the next 23 hours work kicks in. Maybe you guys could create a sub game within eve just for the hamsters, an
idea shown below:

- Sub Game For Hamsters

Please remember CCP that hamsters need love too, they should also be allowed to have their fun. I'm sure this can only lead to better overall

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Das Hilft bestimmt ...

Musikindustrie und Udo Jürgens setzen Kanzlerin unter Druck

Lobby Arbeit, Bestechung, Erpressung.

Meine Meinung: Wenn "Ihr" nur Scheisse produiert (DSDS) dann solltet "Ihr" auch nur Scheisse verdienen.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What does this mean ?

It says, Handy's got a new toy: a webcam ;)

Sadly it isn't running with trillian (yet) but it works in skype.
Going to test it in the other messengers as well but I still hope for a fix for trillian.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Do you want to know how bad it is?

It's very bad:

StarCraft MMO blasts into orbit!

Saturday 5-May-2007 2:00 PM Blizzard's new sci-fi MMO is set to rock the world later this month, CVG has learned

The long-rumoured new instalment of Blizzard's massive StarCraft series is set to be unveiled later this month - and it's another massively-multiplayer online game in the style of World of Warcraft, CVG can reveal.

Well placed US sources have revealed to us that the StarCraft MMO will be unveiled at an upcoming Blizzard event on May 19 in South Korea - the epicentre of the sci-fi RTS series' rabid fandom.

The unveiling of the new instalment has previously been rumoured for the South Korea event, though we now know that the title is in fact an online spin-off and not a new RTS game as previously assumed.

Of course this is massive news for both Vivendi and the MMO world; Blizzard's other online offering World of Warcraft has topped 6 million subscribers and is arguably the biggest game around today.

The question is, is there room for both World of Warcraft and a StarCraft MMO? The later will have to be a very different type of online game to convince gamers to subscribe to both of Blizzard's pair.

We will of course let you know as soon as soon as Blizzard officially confirms the game on May 19.

I'm speachless ... :(

Gemein - updated

Da schenkt man seine Schwester einen Wii + Zelda und da kommt er an wenn sie 14 Tage in Berlin ist.



Das Packet ist heute doch noch angekommen und ich hatte Ihr wohl schon gratuliert. :)

Friday, May 04, 2007

Weeee !!!!

Waffeln für Nerds

Ich hätte gern das Bild direkt geposted aber nen Clicky bringt euch schon nicht um.

Hab das bei tante in seinem letzten Blogpost: Wo er recht hat… gesehen und wurd da einfach mal neugierig und aufdringlich.

Danke an tante, ich denke nicht das ich das Gerät in die Finger bekomme, ich kann aber das nächste Mal Waffeln mitbringen wenn ich in OL bin.

Weeee !!!!


Flugangst ?

Lightening Striking All Nippon Airlines, Osaka, Japan


Thursday, May 03, 2007

WoW:Man ganks woman in game, woman's husband ganks man in RL

WoW:Man ganks woman in game, woman's husband ganks man in RL

Bronco Carson, a World of Warcraft player from Mexico, reported to police on Saturday that three men broke into his home and beat his arms with clubs and totalled his computer. The reason? Carson had been repeatedly ganking the WoW character of the wife of one of his assailants.

Carson reportedly told police that he had been "making it hard for her to get far in the game." The woman had already threatened Carson online, and Carson said that he had already been constantly harassed in-game two weeks prior to the attack.

And then Carson made the mistake of giving the woman his address, telling the woman that "if her husband was man enough to just come meet me to settle this."

The result? Carson got two broken fingers and a fractured wrist during the assault. His computer and entertainment center were also totalled by his three attackers before they left. "I knew that I might be messed with in the game but I didn't really expect her husband to come looking for me," said Carson. "I couldn't have been more wrong."

Now let this be a lesson to everybody. Taunting people behind the relative safety of the Internet may be fun, but don't be stupid enough to give out your real home address. If you do, then it's a whole new ballgame.

On the on side, it's really funny and close to being "deserved", cause everybody has met that moron that needs to shutup but because you are staying civil there's no way to make him stop, but on the otherside, hurting ppl and destroying stuff from somebody else is bad, mkay.

- says the one who is pounding ppl with a stick on a weekly base ;).

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

First ...

Ein Gasoven rockt.


Nur, Ihn vergessen auszumachen bevor man zum training geht, mit dem neuesten WMF Topf den man gerade gekauft hat obendrauf, schockt so gar nicht.

Nix passiert, ein wenig rauchig in der Bude, ein wenig Schrubber aber nun gibts kein Abendessen mehr :-( ...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Leet speak ?

Nope, just something the AACS “Licensing Authority” (AACS LA) seems to have fun with.

Why ?
Read it here:

AACS Plays Whack-a-Mole with Extracted Key

Tuesday May 1, 2007 by Ed Felten

Been there, done that, bought the T-Shirt....