Monday, June 12, 2006

Hu Chuan Pai Kung Fu

I just graduated to the yellow belt in Hu Chuan Pai Kung Fu.

It was okay, I could have been better, wasn't that good prepared, at least in my opinion.

Kicks okay, blocks and punches okay as well. Stances mediocre, to quote yesterdays movie (Lethal Weapon) "I'm to old for this job." Arm locks, okay as well but my self defense was ... well pretty messy. The attack was a pretty simple straight punch and I had the freedom to choice "what ever I wanted" for my defense - and that was kinda the problem. "What ever I wanted" is pretty much, looking at my martial arts history, but on the other hand the time I've been practicing martial arts started to slowly sink in some favourits, which are a mixture of what I've learned so far.

And that mixture is not applicable. At least I tended to hesitate to applicate it toward my training partners. Sure I could force them but that surely hurt. I mean realy hurt. And that was not the point and it was just a yellow belt anyway.

So, happy me ! Yay! Wish I could cheer, I'm so dead exhausted I can hardly type.... Can anybody cary me to bed?

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