Friday, November 03, 2006

I stand in shame ...

Here my two lost fights in Stuttgart at the european open championship of the international sport kickboxing association (ISKA), see also Keine blauen Flecken, aber auch keinen Plazierung.

I'm loosing so fast it's a shame to see (me right hand side in black pants and white T shirt).

Yepp, I don't have any clue what I'm doing there.
The punches are without force just aiming at speed and hitting first.
Blocks hardly count and it seems like it doens't matter how "loose" you stand, just be the first to hit "something", while I'm moving sluggish like punching bag.

We'll see how it goes, anyway it was a lot of fun, but I realized you can't get rid of 16 years Karate and 3 years Ju Jutsu in 6 months ;).

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