Monday, April 09, 2007

My first few kills ...

I didn't laid the final blow but I was part of the team. It really took a while. When I logged in, there was a gang partoling the Jita - Korsiki - Urlen route and I joined them up in a small rifter. We had intel on some wartargets but most of them were avoiding a fight, when a second patrol formed up in Korsiki. We managed to lock several war targets in one systems camping both gates, when one of our scouts managed to lure them into a fight at a station.

"Jump into system and engage!" - and so we did :).

For the record:
This is a fight during the partol:

And this are the two kills we locked in Osmon

In the first encounter we lost a rifter and in the second we lost a battleship and a cruiser among some frigates - compared to the Commandship and the battlecruiser it was a serious win for us , since the two ships value is far more than what we lost.

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