Some already got to know that I bought it, but I didn't opened it.
Now it happened, I opened up the box and started my WoW account ... .
So why did I do that, especially since, as tante righteously says, WoW threw all MMOPs centuries back almost into the stone age of online games.
Now it happened, I opened up the box and started my WoW account ... .
So why did I do that, especially since, as tante righteously says, WoW threw all MMOPs centuries back almost into the stone age of online games.

There is no social interaction, there is no real crafting and player driven economy, it's a class based systems, the skill and talent systems is very rudimentary, most part of the game is a pure level grind and if you reach the max level you grind for items. In fact, WoW is just Diablo I/II on speed and kokain.

So why did I do it. It was meeting Ogi in Lund and Dressari who caught me on MSN saying hello both finally tipping the scale. Ogi in getting me to buy the game in the first place and Dressari in not delaying it anymore.

Talking to Ogi we were just shortly passing through the time we all were playing Star Wars Galaxy and about how great we all felt home in our little guild called the "Rebels Red Circle" and to my surprise a lot of them were playing WoW now. We all loved to "play" the game or better, we all loved to play it together. The game sure had it's ups and downs but it was the open endness of the game style that allowed us to create a real digital community - far more real than second live can offer.
So I bought the game but didn't opened the box.
So I bought the game but didn't opened the box.

It was dressari on MSN saying the important words or better typing them that where the initial reason to buy the game. Despite I hated what Blizzard did to the development of MMORPGs and online games, despite the lack of spaceships, guns, social interaction and all that neat stuff that went down the drain in SWG due to try to be like WoW.
Dressari: I like to go where my friends are

There I was, preaching how bad it was what WoW did, how WoW is just an endless grind to keep people p(l)aying, how devestating it was to SWG and all the stuff, while they were playing together and having fun because they were playing together.
Yes, I'm still in Eve Online and I found a very good cooperation there was well. I meet some cool people and the game is from a player driven perspective everything you could wish for an MMORPG - apart from the part that it is not an RPG. It lacks the most important feature an RPG is offering: an Avatar.
Without it, it is, as tante uses to say just a browser type game with an 2GB resource eating graphic engine.
I still like it alot but with all it features it doesn't distract from the fact that I want to play with the old REB bunch together.
So I opened up my WoW account ... .
Yes, I'm still in Eve Online and I found a very good cooperation there was well. I meet some cool people and the game is from a player driven perspective everything you could wish for an MMORPG - apart from the part that it is not an RPG. It lacks the most important feature an RPG is offering: an Avatar.
Without it, it is, as tante uses to say just a browser type game with an 2GB resource eating graphic engine.
I still like it alot but with all it features it doesn't distract from the fact that I want to play with the old REB bunch together.
So I opened up my WoW account ... .
With a slightly reduced frame rate, yes I'm that geeky, I'm now running Eve and WoW at the same time on the same machine, each on one of those nice 20" BenQ TFTs
Join WoW, the online sensation. All the other kids are doing it!
It's not that simple and you know it ;)
Well actually it is that simple :)
"It's not that simple" is a cool phrase being the title of a dredg song and all but usually it's said when someone means "Yeah I know it's wrong and I got no excuse so I just pretend there is one".
If it was about hanging out with the guys you could join them on Vent or MSN or whatever.
There comes a time when one just has to decide which way to go, the WoW road or the road less travelled ;)
Die Dame auf dem Cover sollte mal wieder ihre Augenbrauen zupfen, und die Kontaktlinsen reinigen.
Und der bärtige darunter sieht ziemlich ver-Ökot aus.
Da waren die Charaktäre aus Deiner Wii-Werbung aber ansehnlicher.
Gebs doch zu...das machst du doch nur um nachher deinen hochgelevelten Charakter bei ebay höchstbietend zu versteigern...
Stimmst, oder hab ich recht?
Dazu müsste ich erstmal richtig hochleveln. Mit der Zeit die ich habe, komm ich nicht wirklich sehr schnell voran.
Zudem, sowie tante immer gerne betont habe ich ja immer noch mein Browser-Game das ich spiele ;).
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