Thursday, July 12, 2007
I'm just moving digitally to: - that's all ;) .
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
"Nebeneinkünfte machen mich unabhängig"
Wie viel Geld Merz von Großkonzernen bekommt
...Für seine Tätigkeit in der Anwaltskanzlei dürfte Merz jährlich außerdem eine sechsstellige Summe einstreichen.
Schon abseits dieses Anwalts-Salärs ergibt sich für 2006 bei vorsichtiger Schätzung ein Nebeneinkünfte-Betrag von einer Viertelmillion Euro für Merz.
Das stinkt zum Himmel.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
"Mich melden"
Ich also auch mal, irgendwann. Dauer ca: 1 stunde incl. Fahrt.
Desweiteren, Motorrad ummelden, da ich nun ja nicht mehr im Kreis Wesel sondern in Nürnberg wohne.
Dauer: 2 1/2 Stunden + Fahrt.
Ich bin froh das unsere Bürokratie so gut funktioniert.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
The original Bartle's test
This is the original 'Bartle test' that classifies players as explorers, socializers, killers or achievers. It was originally designed in the days of MUDs (multi-user dungeons) but remains relavent to new virtual worlds and MMORPGs. The original wording of all questions remains the same, except that certain terms like 'MUD' have been replaced with more encompassing terms like 'MMORPG.'
Based on your answers, you are SKEA.
Breakdown: Achiever 0.00%, Explorer 60.00%, Killer 66.67%, Socializer 73.33%
SKEA players enjoy teamwork and cooperation, but feel that the main challenges of a virtual world come from the other players rather than the environment. They enjoy forming groups and alliances that will pit themselves against other players--and they gain the most satisfaction when they defeat organized groups of other players. When they aren't playing against other players, they enjoy all of the social aspects of the game.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Kendo Turnier am Freitag
Ikke <- 2. Platz !
Videos gibt's auch, kann allerdings noch 'nen bissle dauern, wenn's euch zu lange dauert beschwert euch bei ;).
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Es sieht einfach super schick aus und ich beobachte den ganzen Rummel schon ne Weile. Es sah und sieht immer noch ziemlich nach "genau dem" Mobiletelefon aus das ich selbst bauen würde (abgesehen von dem telepatischen Interface, den 15'' Bildschirm, das es Krebs heilen kann, ...).
Ich hatte das Ding sogar durch glückliche Umstände mal in der Hand und es gibt ein Look and Feel, wie tante und ich schonmal über die PSP gesagt haben, das sehr sehr Wertig ist. Webbrowsen ist echt der Hammer mit dem Ding (Wi-Fi Zugangn vorrausgesetzt).
Jetzt wo die ersten "reviews" raus sind ( [], [] , [] ) wird's natürlich noch interessanter.
Einige Dinge die mir beim lesen als erstes "sauer" aufgestossen sind, keine mp3s als Klingeltöne, keine MMS, keine Video aufzeichnungen, kein Adobe support für den Webbrowser.
Trotzdem steht es noch immer ziemlich hoch auf der "das will ich haben" Liste, allerdings sind +500$ definitiv zu viel. Mal sehen wie sich das ganze weiter entwickelt.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Some more martial art videos
Raymond Daniels - Wade Taylor
(Embedding disabled by request)He is braggin around, but he is really good. Some very nice moves :).
Here he is again:
And another one of him, with an awesome double jump kick.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Kendo vs Escrima
They are very intersting to watch and among the comments there is one which I think in general should stand out to all "cross training":
zvyej: who won?
zukuru: on experience ? .. I think both - the purpose is less to win than test the skills against non expexted and non trained situations.
As I mentioned in the discussion yesterday, both fighters tend to fight according to their tournament rule set, which naturally to the safety of the combatants, includes forbidden moves.
So the common "brute" argument is "with real weapons it would like ...". Well as nobody really wants to test that out with real swords there is still an other option to "see" if one combatant is superior to the other, which in the end still says nothing about the superiority of the different styles: paint and colored markers on white clothes/armor.
An example of how it this works, is using text markers/high lighters eg. in a knife defense/offense training. Each cut leaves a marking on your arms and cloths and you can very easily see that if you ever get into a fight and sobody draws a knife that it's much wiser to run rather than stay and fight. As one trainer during a knife defense workship once said, knife defense is not to learn not to get cut but to be able to decided where you get cut.
Looking further zukurus other videos are also very interesting:
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Suzi ...
Pokemon für DS
27 Juli sollen sie erschienen.
Kauf ich mir die Diamand-Edition und schick meiner Schwester einfach die Pearl-Edition auch wenn sie kein DS hat ?
Hmmm .... ;)
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Working on saturday
More like working the cocktail bar and the buffet on cost of my company.
Let's see how I feel tomorrow ;)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Seiten die einem sagen wer man ist
Man kann es auch "fishing for compliments" nennen, so man denn mit seinem Ergebnis zu frieden ist:
EPLS - MACHER - Gehört zur Gruppe der Aktionisten
►Agiert Extrovertiert
►Denkt Praktisch
►Entscheidet Logisch
►Lebt Spontan
Witzig ist: "EPLS suchen wie Kampfsportkünstler Chackie Chan körperliche Herausforderungen ... " ;)
Allerdings muss ich sagen sind die "prominenten Beispiele" weniger schmeichelhaft, halte ich den grossteil der Leute die dort aufgeführt werden eher für Wichtigtuer und Grossmäuler.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Noch ein Blogger
Warum, wieso, weshalb?
Fragt ihn ;)
Schaut auf das kleine Bildchem rechts unten mit den Leuten in Rüstung.
Darum :)
Order of the stick
Anyway: Greenhilt dead!?! Miko dead!?!
What's going to be next?
Monday, June 11, 2007
Knowledge is power
My graphic card just broke down ...
Meh ...
Well, I found out what it was.
My webcam seems to cause problems with my sound and with my video card.
It have to reinstall my graphics drivers after I just updated my webcam stuff.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Eve ....
Yes it seem they don't have a competent PR person to handle parts of the affairs but and I really got a tired of the constant tinfoil hattery at eve-o.
Anyway it seems like CCP is again taking a step into a very unique direction:
In a Virtual Universe, the Politics Turn Real
- update: this articel is not longer available :(rather take this: Bericht: Eve Online erhält demokratische Wahlen
In short, they want to have player elections to vote for a group of players to audit CCPs operations.
Now take that "2nd Life hype"! ;) not just a barren empty pr0n deluded 3D chatroom.
Although admirable good intentions, this might lead to a whole set of new problems but the initial idea is a very honorable one, but I have some serious doubts.
So voting ? We already know how good votings in the "l33t" internet is going to work, add in the already highly metagaming eve community with their tinfoil hats and people running multiple accounts, you just see the witchhunters call in "cheaters" since they doubt the outcome of the election to be fair.
As this is not yet "official" announced by CCP we have to wait if and how they want to realize this.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Don't know what original language it is, but the subs are german, I guess it might be swedish or dänish ?Anyway even without understanding the language, I guess you ll understand the "point"
So, if you're "mature" enough, have a look
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Fallout 3 Trailer
Fallout 3 Trailer
Schau'n wir mal ;)edit:
Ehrlich gesagt, dies sind auch ziemlich coole Headlines und alle fast hintereinander weg:
World of Darkness MMO In 2011?
StarCraft Pops Back on Top Ten List
Hey, SimCity, Welcome Back
new Links
One from kryschien:
Who is also responsible for the Fightclub
Elena, who is in Piela, which I call "no-where":
Elena, where are you?
And now as well Kornel with a Blog at Kornels Welt:
Welcome im "webtwooodoot" ;).
Sunday, June 03, 2007
I like Eve
So rather than telling how good is, I let this video speak for itself which I found ( ).
We are 2 pretty new players in the EVE-Universe. And besides losing our ships in low sec space we decided to take a short break and make a movie of our first impression of EVE.
Have fun and enjoy!;5030972;/fileinfo.html
INTACTized & Fayes
To make it easier for you folks I uploaded it to youtube:
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Home sweet home
Train from Linköping to Malmö
Flight from Kopenhagen to Frankfurt - Delay due to Frankfurt Airport only using one runway
Flight from Frankfurt to Nürnberg - Also delay due to Frankfurt Airport still using only one runway.
Cab home
Midnight back home, home sweet home
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Invading sweden part II
Our hotel seems to be right in the middle of Linköping and due to a delay because of DHL we have a easy later afternoon/ evening. Let's hope everything will go smooth tomorrow.
Anyway I'll add some pictures later.
Update Pictures:
Our Hotel

View from the entrance:

My room:

Plata, very good dinner!

The church from slightly outside, the city is really rather small ;)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
#Fixme, "Belly Off"
In the end, both are just different levels of self reflecting on ones lifes to improve it along a certain scale, a simple physical or a higher moral one.
I followed the concept, but I called it "living like a monk" - just in my mind, but that's just between me and my mind.
The idea was, that when I moved out to my first job assignment, I moved to a very - I mean very very - small town and apart from my work and a martial arts school nothing else what it offered to do and that I would concentrate my life on the basic things again, a certain "back to the roots" or as others call it "a simple life".
So I started stripping my life down to just a few basic needs, naturally including stuff that I liked, but in general the idea was to have a strict timetable and getting a real routine in following it. Humans tend to do follow habbits, in that we just follow a behavioural condition, which is either imposed to us by ourself or somebody else.
For children this tends to be the good willing parents, teaching you to brush your teeth everyday and at a certain point it sinks into your daily pattern, that it's just something you do. When we get older there are less people that have such a strong influence on our life but my aim with my "living like a monk" idea was to try to sink in as much as possible behaviour patterns that would be good to me. It ended up at least for me in KLF to a opimization or fine tuning of my time management and it worked out.
I was getting more stuff done in the same amount of time, while at the same time having more time for the fun stuff, which I, as mentioned before, also put into my daily/weekly time table.
I still follow this behavioural pattern, the timetable has changed, since I moved away. I had to put in more "dead" times as nuremberg is not KLF and you "loose" more time traveling from one place to another - which is a good example of how small KLF was - but in general it is still doing me good. As always there is still some room for improvements, but that's not really the point. The point is, that I get all the stuff done I want to get done and have even time to cramp in some more without stressing it by just slightly "fine tuning" the timetable.
A physicist
Amick asked me about half a year if I could help here move out of her old appartment into a new one.
I didn't really had that much time but promised I would drop in for an hour or so to help, 'cause the date was just the date my sister wanted to drive the 3 1/2 hour back from my parents place.
Anyway as I know Amick, she used to have a lot of friends, capable of carrying a lot so I didn't execpted a lot of hassle. It appeared I was wrong ;). First thing we arrived was, that she had locked herself out of her new appartment. Luckily she had some roommates but to find them was a bit tricky, but in the end we had someone opening up the door again. The second thing was, that she was doing the whole move with just like 4 people and two cars. Moving up into the third floor (IIRR) that's a lot of stairs to go up and down. Anyway, I like moving as long as it isn't my own move so me and my sister helped her moving stuf up. So that's 5 girls and me.
So eager I am, I carry the heavy stuff, not that there is so much heavy stuff, which wasn't that heavy at all but anyway I carry it, and I seem to impress the girls, flattering already but that wasn't what I sprung into my mind again.
It was Amicks comment to that. She commented it as "Ein Physiker halt ... ".
So far I had perceived that the stereotypical physicist in the common population was a "star wars/star trek loving techno babbling computer geek playing weirdo fantasy games and listening to angry musik with long hair either under or overweighted due to lack of physical excercises and unhealty food".
Well, I hit, apart fromt he lack of physical excercises, due me being a martial arts junkie, all those stereotypes - okay .. I cut my hair but it's getting longer again - but still, the stereotypical physicist would not be able to handle those crates that easily.
Anyway, Amick corrected that pictures as well " ... one who does a lot of sport" but still, to her for a brief second I changed the picture of that stereotypical physicist to include being physical in good shape.
That was flattering ;).
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
BenQ Mobile
BenQ- Pleite: Entlassene Mitarbeiter müssen Millionen zurückzahlen
Bei den anderen 140 Betroffenen fielen die Beträge zwar teilweise noch höher aus, doch es treffe in der Regel gut verdienende ehemalige Führungskräfte, heißt es bei der Insolvenzverwaltung. Sie hatten im Jahr 2005 beim Verkauf der Siemens-Handysparte an BenQ Bleibeprämien zwischen 18.000 und 75.000 Euro vereinbart. In einigen Fällen gehe es aber auch um Boni bis zu 200.000 Euro, erklärte Prager.Ich denke sowas nennt man Vetterwirtschaft.
Und nein, mich erwischen die nicht ;).
So viel Geld bekomm ich nun auch wiederum nicht.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Overkill madness
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Meh ...
Not sure what caused the breakdown of it, but so far it is working, although I'm closely monitoring it. I also checked the warranty and it is 24months, so I have some time to check if it just was a hickup in the system, the card not fitting or if it is somehow broken.
Apart from that, my DSL WLAN Router is still off duty because, it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting randomly, what makes surfing the internet and especially gaming rather difficult.
I'm also thinking about stopping on my WoW adventure for a while, or at least change the subscription method from credit card to game time cards. Although it is really fun to play with my old SWG mates and hang around and game with them, it just doesn't appeal to me. Having that said, expect tante to comment here in 10 ... 9 ... 8 ...
So now for the good news:
I mentioned it to some already, Tako announced last week tuesday that some of the new people at Kendo, among them myself, would receive their armor this friday.
Well, she changed her mind, I got mine already yesterday :) wooooot!
Monday, May 21, 2007
I recently found this:
3 Minutes & 29 Seconds... This is it! AICN scored the motherfucking premiere footage of JOHN RAMBO! This ain't PG13, NO-WAY!
Which probably is ... well getting old, but just reading the sideboards, I noticed that25 Years Ago: The Best Genre Year Ever! Part VI! Cartuna Remember THE SECRET OF NIMH!--54 total posts
was mentioned. Now that was one of a kind fantastic movie. More so this got my attention that much that I looked further and found this a link to this:Hall stays dead quiet about role in Batman saga
And that is a movie I'll be waiting for.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
My graphic card just broke down ...
I'll see what mindfactory wants to about this.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
It's out: Starcraft 2
There we go, no MMO, "just" another RTS.
I'll gonna have a close look on this ;)
Gameplay video footage preview:
Friday, May 11, 2007
MMO Server Hosting
CCP, an idea to improve performance (Dev info leaked within).
We all know the hamsters have a tough job keeping the servers running, as this leaked vid from a dev clearly shows:- CCP Server
As you can see, the hamster is dedicated to his job, and never gives up
trying to keep the servers running for us. What the hamster needs to increase performance is some form of recreation during downtime, to help it relax and have fun before the next 23 hours work kicks in. Maybe you guys could create a sub game within eve just for the hamsters, an
idea shown below:
- Sub Game For Hamsters
Please remember CCP that hamsters need love too, they should also be allowed to have their fun. I'm sure this can only lead to better overall
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Das Hilft bestimmt ...
Lobby Arbeit, Bestechung, Erpressung.
Meine Meinung: Wenn "Ihr" nur Scheisse produiert (DSDS) dann solltet "Ihr" auch nur Scheisse verdienen.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
What does this mean ?
Monday, May 07, 2007
New discovered Webcomic
Three Panel Soul
I was reading up on the rant on the little gamers comic about, where is comic was mentioned.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Do you want to know how bad it is?
StarCraft MMO blasts into orbit!
Saturday 5-May-2007 2:00 PM Blizzard's new sci-fi MMO is set to rock the world later this month, CVG has learned
The long-rumoured new instalment of Blizzard's massive StarCraft series is set to be unveiled later this month - and it's another massively-multiplayer online game in the style of World of Warcraft, CVG can reveal.
Well placed US sources have revealed to us that the StarCraft MMO will be unveiled at an upcoming Blizzard event on May 19 in South Korea - the epicentre of the sci-fi RTS series' rabid fandom.
The unveiling of the new instalment has previously been rumoured for the South Korea event, though we now know that the title is in fact an online spin-off and not a new RTS game as previously assumed.
Of course this is massive news for both Vivendi and the MMO world; Blizzard's other online offering World of Warcraft has topped 6 million subscribers and is arguably the biggest game around today.
The question is, is there room for both World of Warcraft and a StarCraft MMO? The later will have to be a very different type of online game to convince gamers to subscribe to both of Blizzard's pair.
We will of course let you know as soon as soon as Blizzard officially confirms the game on May 19.
I'm speachless ... :(
Gemein - updated
Das Packet ist heute doch noch angekommen und ich hatte Ihr wohl schon gratuliert. :)
Friday, May 04, 2007
Weeee !!!!
Ich hätte gern das Bild direkt geposted aber nen Clicky bringt euch schon nicht um.
Hab das bei tante in seinem letzten Blogpost: Wo er recht hat… gesehen und wurd da einfach mal neugierig und aufdringlich.
Danke an tante, ich denke nicht das ich das Gerät in die Finger bekomme, ich kann aber das nächste Mal Waffeln mitbringen wenn ich in OL bin.
Weeee !!!!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
WoW:Man ganks woman in game, woman's husband ganks man in RL
Bronco Carson, a World of Warcraft player from Mexico, reported to police on Saturday that three men broke into his home and beat his arms with clubs and totalled his computer. The reason? Carson had been repeatedly ganking the WoW character of the wife of one of his assailants.
Carson reportedly told police that he had been "making it hard for her to get far in the game." The woman had already threatened Carson online, and Carson said that he had already been constantly harassed in-game two weeks prior to the attack.
And then Carson made the mistake of giving the woman his address, telling the woman that "if her husband was man enough to just come meet me to settle this."
The result? Carson got two broken fingers and a fractured wrist during the assault. His computer and entertainment center were also totalled by his three attackers before they left. "I knew that I might be messed with in the game but I didn't really expect her husband to come looking for me," said Carson. "I couldn't have been more wrong."
Now let this be a lesson to everybody. Taunting people behind the relative safety of the Internet may be fun, but don't be stupid enough to give out your real home address. If you do, then it's a whole new ballgame.
On the on side, it's really funny and close to being "deserved", cause everybody has met that moron that needs to shutup but because you are staying civil there's no way to make him stop, but on the otherside, hurting ppl and destroying stuff from somebody else is bad, mkay.
- says the one who is pounding ppl with a stick on a weekly base ;).
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
First ...
Nur, Ihn vergessen auszumachen bevor man zum training geht, mit dem neuesten WMF Topf den man gerade gekauft hat obendrauf, schockt so gar nicht.
Nix passiert, ein wenig rauchig in der Bude, ein wenig Schrubber aber nun gibts kein Abendessen mehr :-( ...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Leet speak ?

Nope, just something the AACS “Licensing Authority” (AACS LA) seems to have fun with.
Why ?
Read it here:
AACS Plays Whack-a-Mole with Extracted Key
Tuesday May 1, 2007 by Ed FeltenBeen there, done that, bought the T-Shirt....
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Killerspiele im Unterausschuss "Neue Medien" des Bundestages
Killerspiele: Aktueller Jugendschutz einfach und genial?
Der Artikel nur mäßig interessant, da nur die "üblichen" Argumente vorgeführt werden und das wird langsam wirklich alt.
Interessant ist nur der letzte Absatz:
Christoph Waitz (FDP) fasste die Diskussion letztendlich folgendermaßen zusammen: Was wir derzeit machen, ist eher ein "Herumdoktern am Symptom, das Problem ist die soziale Verwahrlosung unserer Gesellschaft und dort müssen wir ansetzen." (ji)
Das Pferd ist zwar schon tausendmal begraben und getreten worden, aber das ist eigentlich auch alles was man dazu sagen brauch.
Nun bleibt zu hoffen - ohje und das in Verbindung mit Politik - das irgendjemand auch noch entsprechend handelt. Dann wird es erst interessant.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Die Polizei, dein Freund und Helfer ...
Falls ihr euch erinnern könnt, hatte ich so den Verdacht doch ein klein Wenig schneller gewesen zu sein als die Polizei erlaubt und hab' mich dabei auch noch glatt erwischen lassen.
Ein etwas unscharftes Foto aber es scheint zu reichen. Damit bin ich etwas Knete los und auch den Führerschein für 4 Wochen aka 1 Monat. Da ich zur Zeit kein Auto haben und das Motorrad nach auf seinen neuen Sattelbezug wartet, werde ich das wohl noch Überleben.
Und da die Polizei nicht nur Räuber und Gendarm mit mir spielt war sie anscheinend diesmal sogar richtig fleissig.
In OL sind mir in zwei Jahren zwei Fahrräder geklaut worden. Beide bei mir "vor der Haustür" abgestellt, beide abgeschlossen, beide gute 550€ Wert. Eine gute Versicherung sei dank habe ich jedesmal den kompletten Wert ersetz bekommmen.
Nun fahr ich also das dritte Rad, ebenfalls wieder 550€ Wert knapp ein Jahr lang und wer pingt mich da heute über sein wiedergewonnenes ICQ Netz an, die Tante.
Die Polizei hat angerufen und anscheined hat sie mein Fahrrad wiedergefunden und ich soll zur Identifizierung nach Oldenburg kommen.
Tja, so eben geht das zwar nicht aber da hat die Polizei mal für ihr Geld gearbeitet. Interessant wird nun der Zustand des Fahrrades. Ich hab schon einmal ein gestohlenes Fahrrad von der Polizei wieder bekommen wo bis auf die Räder aber nix mehr dran war.
Witzig ... ;)
Monday, April 16, 2007
I did it ...

Now it happened, I opened up the box and started my WoW account ... .
So why did I do that, especially since, as tante righteously says, WoW threw all MMOPs centuries back almost into the stone age of online games.

There is no social interaction, there is no real crafting and player driven economy, it's a class based systems, the skill and talent systems is very rudimentary, most part of the game is a pure level grind and if you reach the max level you grind for items. In fact, WoW is just Diablo I/II on speed and kokain.

So I bought the game but didn't opened the box.

Dressari: I like to go where my friends are

Yes, I'm still in Eve Online and I found a very good cooperation there was well. I meet some cool people and the game is from a player driven perspective everything you could wish for an MMORPG - apart from the part that it is not an RPG. It lacks the most important feature an RPG is offering: an Avatar.
Without it, it is, as tante uses to say just a browser type game with an 2GB resource eating graphic engine.
I still like it alot but with all it features it doesn't distract from the fact that I want to play with the old REB bunch together.
So I opened up my WoW account ... .
With a slightly reduced frame rate, yes I'm that geeky, I'm now running Eve and WoW at the same time on the same machine, each on one of those nice 20" BenQ TFTs
Friday, April 13, 2007
IBM about MMOGs
multiplayer online games, Part 1: A performance-based approach to sizing
Some hard-won objective advice for
structuring your next online game project
Haven't read it yet, since I'm still at work
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Drumming ...
I realy need some practice again especially looking at ppl like Dino Campanella .
Thanks to tante for the links!
Monday, April 09, 2007
My first few kills ...
I didn't laid the final blow but I was part of the team. It really took a while. When I logged in, there was a gang partoling the Jita - Korsiki - Urlen route and I joined them up in a small rifter. We had intel on some wartargets but most of them were avoiding a fight, when a second patrol formed up in Korsiki. We managed to lock several war targets in one systems camping both gates, when one of our scouts managed to lure them into a fight at a station.
"Jump into system and engage!" - and so we did :).
For the record:
This is a fight during the partol:
And this are the two kills we locked in Osmon
In the first encounter we lost a rifter and in the second we lost a battleship and a cruiser among some frigates - compared to the Commandship and the battlecruiser it was a serious win for us , since the two ships value is far more than what we lost.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
E-Peen ... ;)
Anybody remember this: ?
Well, I bought a second one :D.
I had planned to buy it a little bit later to save up some more cash, but with the opportunity to get rid of my old CRT when I visit my partent during eastern I ordered it last week and it arrived yesterday.
Very nice =).
Now if my 7600GT just would be able to push the horizontal spawn across the two screens ... . It seems that are a little bit to many pixels to push so I'm "just" using it as Dual Screenview lol. Still now I'm thinking of getting another 7600GT to see if they could push it in SLI mode (just have to find the same card again) ... .
The long term plan is to buy a third 22'' one (somewhen in 2008) and then buy a capable graphic card which can support all three and then do this:
Yeah ... my E-Peen is bigger than your E-Peen ;) and all that for a screensaver browser game like tante would say.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Karate vs. Kendo and Judo
It doesn't have to reflect the reality, it's just intersting to watch :)
Thursday, March 29, 2007
All your bases belong to us!
Department of Homeland Security will den Masterschlüssel fürs DNS
Das US-amerikanische Department of Homeland Security (DHS), das nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001 als eine Art US-Superbehörde für innere Sicherheit gegründet wurde, will den Schlüssel für die Signierung der DNS-Rootzone allein in der Hand der US-Regierungen sehen.
Schach ist offensichtlich ein menschenverachtendes Killerspiel und gehört endlich verboten!
Ziel des Spiels ist es den gegnerischen König zu eliminieren. Eine Regierung soll also durch gezielte Kommandoüberfälle ausgeschaltet werden. Zu diesem Zweck werden oft Bauern eingesetzt, die dann geopfert werden.
Diese rituellen Menschenopfer lassen einen satanistischen Hintergrund bei Schachspielern vermuten. Außerdem haben Schachspieler offensichtlich keinerlei Respekt vor dem Leben unserer Landwirte und legen damit eine Menschenverachtung an den Tag, die ihres gleichen sucht.
Die Bauern werden oft als fanatische Selbstmordattentäter eingesetzt. Schachklubs sind daher als Brutstätten des internationalen Terrorismus anzusehen. Das paßt auch zum Profil eines Schachspielers: es sind oft Einzelgänger die sich von normalen Menschen abkapseln.
Besonders besorgniserregend ist, daß es angeblich sogar seit langem konspirative Schachserver im Internet gibt…
Auch Sportler werden nicht verschont. Das Meucheln von Läufern gehört zum Schach dazu, ebenso wie die Gewalt gegen Gebäude. Der rüde Umgang mit den Türmen im Schachspiel ist sicher die Ursache den zunehmenden Vandalismus in unserer Gesellschaft. Die schachspielende Jugend wird schon in frühester Kindheit darauf geprägt keinerlei Achtung vor dem Hab und Gut anderer Leute zu haben.
Jeder Respekt vor Recht und Ordnung ist Schachspielern verloren gegangen. Ganze Türme werden ohne vorherige Einholung einer behördlichen Baugenehmigung von Ihrem Besitzer einfach umgesetzt. So geht das nun wirklich nicht!
Schach ist ein extrem brutales Spiel. Figuren werden gleich reihenweise geschlagen, manchmal sogar einfach im Vorübergehen. Besonders verwerflich ist hierbei das Schlagen von Pferden, ein grober Verstoß gegen das Tierschutzgesetz. Wer kann nur unseren Mitgeschöpfen, den treuen Begleitern des Menschen, so etwas Böses antun? Was für Monster sind Schachspieler eigentlich?
Im Schach wird regelmäßig Gewalt gegen Frauen ausgeübt. Wie oft wird eine Dame geschlagen? Und schlimmer: wem es gelingt eine Dame zu schlagen, der wird in diesem perversesten aller Killerspiele oft auch noch mit dem Sieg belohnt! Pfui Teufel!
Sicherlich gäbe es keine Gewalt gegen Frauen mehr, wenn unsere Kinder nicht durch das Schachspiel vollkommen verrohen würden.
Schachspiel ist auch Training für Mord, denn nur um den Sieg davonzutragen (definitiv aus niedrigen Beweggründen), wird listig und heimtückisch arglosen Figuren eine tödliche Falle gestellt.
Was bleibt also noch zu sagen? Beim Schach handelt es sich um ein terroristisches Spiel mit satanistischen Wurzeln. Selbstmordattentate sowie Gewalt gegen Menschen, Tiere und Gebäude sind Programm. Heimtücke und Hinterlist führen zum Sieg. Die Bauordnung wir nicht einmal erwähnt und damit vollkommen mißachtet. Das Internet wird mißbraucht.
Schach ist also eindeutig ein Killerspiel und die Verbreitung von Schachbrettern sollte unter Strafe gestellt werden.
Vorsicht! Aus gut unterrichteten Quellen haben wir erfahren, daß es in Sachsen-Anhalt ein ganzes Schachdorf gibt. Lebt diese Kolonie von Schachspielern in sektenähnlichen Strukturen? Sind sie bewaffnet?
Es bleibt zu hoffen, daß dieser Ort unter besonderer staatlicher Aufsicht steht. Wer weiß was von da auf uns zukommt – steht uns vielleicht ein deutsches Waco ins Haus?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Weeee !
I bought 2GB Kingston RAM for my Laptop to "upgrade it" rather than buy a whole new Laptop. It does make a difference if you spend 200Euros or 2000Euros =) .
The Acer support pointed to me to an online shop, who is selling spare parts for my model and had also some exploded diagramms of it. Disassembling wasn't that easy as I expected, or it was but not that obvious as I missed two screws who were holding the keyboard and the main part together but apart from that everything went smoot. Well as smooth as Murphy allows it. I have one screw left over and I don't know where it belongs ... :D ... .
Monday, March 26, 2007
You can shoot me now ...
I talked to Ogi and the old REB bunch a bit via ventrilo and I realy miss playing with them.
I have it here on my desk and am just updating the client with my old character from my trial time. Not sure when I'm going to activate but I already bought it.
Call me stupid ;).
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
"... you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell"
.. and that is certainly questionable. I know that.
Honestly, I'll try not to screw up ... .
Sorry for the troubles.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Vielleicht ist es doch nicht die Mafia, die "sitzt" ja "normalerweise" in Italien.
Vielleicht doch eher was Deutsches:
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Moving moving moving ..
Appereantly moving.
Wahyu, an indonesian colleagoue asked me if I could help him moving his kitchen.
He doesn't have a german driver license yet and naturally not a car either.
He already asked me a few weeks ago that he might need my help, since he was looking for a kitchen already a while, so he found one and had to pick it up this weekend.
It as one 2m long work desk and another one 1.5m long, it has three cupboards 2m high, one with an frige as well as a freeze, bot about 1.20 high. It also has a dishwasher and naturall the oven and the electric plates.
So there I went saturday evening he was alraedy disasemblying part of the kitchen and picked him up together with Vito (another indonesian guy currently living at his place till end march) and again on sunday morning at 10am to pich the both of them up to grab the rest.
Grab is rather easy said, especially since Wahyu lives on the third floor. Luckily he called two other friends helping out but in the end was carrying 12 times stuff up - heavy stuff - heavy kitchen stuff not mine. Well it was fun and I'll get my revenge on thursday. I need something from ikea and I'm living on the third floor as well ;).
Anyway I'm pretty dead or exhausted, I'll gonna spend some time with my "screensaver" and see how bad the TV programm is on sunday ... .
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
...I want to ride my bicycle ....
22min. traveling time only, compared to the 20 min. I needed yesterday by car not that bad.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Ich bin drin !
Connection should have been up since yesterday but it wasn't. I called Arcor, they send someone along who removed a resistor and woooot!
I'm online again !!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Aliens shun Genetically Manipulated crops at The Register
which is referring to this one:
Aliens refuse to make circles in GM crops in the Weekly World Inquisitor.
Kornel, you have to read those!
Way to go !
It just didn't wanted to give me my ticket. After patiently waiting 40min. in the cue I realy got nervous 'cause my flight wanted to leave in 20min. So I passed the line, went to the "wrong" buisness counter and asked politly if she couldn't hand me out my ticket - nope, I didn't needed to threaten anybody - obviuosly somehow my name was written wrong, which was the reasons why I couldn't get my ticket from the automat. A short call and .... yes the plane was already gone.
I had to rebook my ticket to another flight to Frankfurt at 9:05 rather than waiting there two or three hours I planned taking the train to Nuremberg, rather than flying to Nuremberg from Frankfurt. Everything looked good - NOT.....
The security line - how could I forget that today was "standing in the line day to miss your fights". It took me another 40 mins to get pass the security I had 15mins. left to catch my flight, I missed my first one by this margin but yes, this time I was lucky. The crew was delayed, puhhhh ... .
So yes traveling is fun, checking in is fun as well but standing in the lines, no way!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Meeting Ogi ....
Cool guy.
Despite the warning I had from Elandrial - who said Ogi wasn't that tall - I was realy surprised that the really wasn't that tall. But apart from that, cool guy. I'm not tall, with my 1.58m, so I'm used to being called small.
So we met Ogi, we found a parking place and had some real good food for dinner and were chatting and talking just like we have during our REB SWG times, I realy felt getting home and I realy started missing all those/you guys from my SWG days. Especially when Ogi started talking about who else was in REB in WoW. I fear if I would have internet an week or two earlier I realy might have joined you guys in WoW. I'm still considering it because I miss the time just chatting with you guys on ventrilo or gaming with you, but it is still WoW.
Give me some SPACE and SCI FI !!!!
Freaks guys !
I'm a little bit drunk and need to get up at 5:30 at least to grab my taxi, train and flight at 8:30.
Next time I'm in sweden, I got to make sure to Elan is joininig in as well :) ...
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Did I mentioned ...
We left nuremberg at around 15:00 the flight took an hour, then an hour break, another hour flight and by train finally arriving at 20:30. All pretty easy without anything special happening. The hotel here is quite a nice one looks pretty good, I'll upload some pictures .. laters ;).
And yes, I have internet here :D .. nice !

update: I know these are just some pictures from my hotel, but that's all I had time to made, the first is the lobby, second and third are my room.

Gone for a few days
Also Arcor managed to send me the hardware required for my DSL and it looks like everything is working. When everything happens according to their shedule I should get my access information with then next few days as well. So I might get back from my buisness trip to jump back into the world wide spam that the internet currently is ;).
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Bilder von meinem Bday - offline
- hier waren sie mal -
ich werd sie bei zeiten uploaden.
War das letzte WE auf 'nem Arnis Lehrgang in Oberhausen, war ziemlich cool auch wenn das Fahren recht anstrengend ist. Hab' inzwischen herausgefunden das man mit Air Berlin für knapp 19 + Gebühren also um die 30 bis 40 nach Düsseldort, Hamburg oder Berlin fliegen kann - leider nicht nach Bremen.
Internet wird sich wohl noch etwas ziehen, dafür werde ich arbeitsbedingt wohl nächste Wochen für zwei Tage nach Schweden nach Lund fliegen. Da hier in Bayern die Winterferien gerade zu Ende sind hat auch Kendo wieder angefangen und ich werde heute mal auch zum Mittwochstraining gehen. Hakama, Keiko Gi und Bokken sind bestellt, ich denke das dauert noch ca. 14 Tage.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wer's glaubt wird seelig
22. Feb 08:09, ergänzt 11:05
Die Firma WebTrends ist bei Microsoft wohl bekannt. Es handele sich bei ihr um «einen unabhängigen Dienstleister», gab ein Microsoft-Sprecher auf Nachfrage des ORF zu. Er widerspricht jedoch dem Vorwurf der Datenspionage. „Die Daten, die WebTrends sammelt und analysiert, verwenden wir dazu, unsere Online-Hilfe benutzerfreundlicher zu machen“, beteuert auch Microsoft-Managerin Pamela Sindall in Redmont (USA): «Dabei werden keine persönlichen Daten gesammelt.» (nz)
Desweiteren nur ein kurzer Link zur tante, der sich über das SchülerVZ auslässt. Mehr hab ich dazu auch nicht zu sagen.
Ja, ich gestehe ich bin bei StudiVZ gemeldet, aber das was die an Daten von mir haben ist nicht "nutzbar". Wollte da nur mal "angeln" gehen und sehen wer da alles ist. Ja, ich gestehe ebenfalls ich bin auch bei, allerdings kann ich darüber mit ein Haufen alter Kollegen in Kontakt bleiben. Es hängt immer auch ein wenig davon, wie man diese Portale nutzt.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
My battlecruiser, my destroyer, my hauler, ....
Friday, February 16, 2007
Yepp, it's me!
I'll have some friends coming this direction from Oldenburg as well as KLF, Hannover and Giesen, which seems to be my sister and she arrived already yesterday. I'll try to remember to take some pictures with my BenQ phone so I can put them up later.
See you around!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
But I haven't started threatening anybody yet !
The last t-com henchmen mentioned to me the 08003302000 and braniac and desperate I was I just randomly tried that one. Got into another waiting line, got somebody on the phone who wasn't responsible, got into another waiting line and finally got to a person who was appareantly capable.
Using "several different t-com programs" to handle "their data" he was able to get me some information about the status and an approximate time and date for a "technicel inclined t-com henchmen", who needs to visit my appartment but he called back to confirm everything.
30 mins. later and a call he said everything is set for thursday 15. febr. somewhere between 12 and 17:00 but the they'll call me half an hour in advance so I don't have to waste another day at home rather than work.
So, I'll just go to my kendo lesson this evening rather than trying some stuff at a some random t-com henchmen in a shop, bah! ;) Could have been soo much fun!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
So the mighty T-Com screwed up my move ...
Also, what's going on germany? - Did I missed something ? Can I go out and beat everybody up now as well? I realy would like to see how my bokken or my bahi sticks work out on some meat but so far my parents teached me that hurting people is bad.
Another thing, if we are hurting people, why don't we try it on some who realy would deserve at least some kind of beating: LARIDSCHANIS SKANDALAUFTRITT IN MÜNCHEN.
Munich isn't that far away. I could drive there if somebody askes me too ;).
Friday, February 09, 2007
Multiverse Forum for the Firefly MMO
I stopped reading it mostly for the reasons tante is not reading it at all. Too many of those people there, even when they have "software developer" as occupation in their profile, IMHO, don't have any clue about what they are talking.
Especially this focus on the ship, the crew, combat is realy turning me off. What made the 'verse so attractive as MMORPG setting is it's open space environment, giving the chance to create that "uncle own simulator" type game. You can become what you what in that 'verse, you weren't forced to become the next jedi or in this case Mal or Zoe.
I become more and more disgusted by any discussion especially as that the level of discussion is that of a 6 year old playing WoW with his daddy holding his hand buying him stuff from ebay because he can't compete.
It's realy realy realy bad there.
I'm already thinking about "being the total prick" writing a very offensive post there just to clear their heads but I don't think anybody would understand me because I can't set my mind to that of a brainless dead body which seems to be the level of discussions ... :( ... .
I fear for the worst for the Firefly MMO, if "that" fanbase even gets one idea into the game, the game is even more screwed that SWG with the NGE :( ....
Want an extraordinary example? Here:
If a Firefly game hopes to reflect the themes of the series, it will need to break from convention in significant ways. Here's one I've been thinking about recently.Isn't this the strenght and the fascinating thing of an MMORPG ? Creating a real "living" environment where you're trader is not just an NPC but a real person ?
I think the game should avoid the usual MMORPG tendency to simulate too much of the game world (or universe as the case may be). In most games, there seems to be the implied goal that players will fill a wide variety of roles, forming an more-or-less complete simulated community.
If you don't want to socialice, why play an MMORPG at all?
That's great for social sims, but this is (or should be, in my opinion) a game about
crewing a tramp frieghter on the frontiers of space. The idea of designing
generalized systems for the economy, player housing, crafting etc., etd. could
be a lot of fun, but it would have very little to do with Firefly. These kinds
of systems should only be developed to the extent that they support the central
mode of play.
I put that into my reply in that thread. If you want that game play, you better play an adventure
I want to see the devs putting 95% of their creative energy in nailing the one thing that matters most about Firefly. Namely, crewing a tramp freighter on the rim. The gameplay for the basic activities of doing that should be at the forefront. Navigating, piloting, mechanicking, communications, trading, speculating, smuggling, detection, stealth, etc, should receive the lion's share of the developers attention. Within reason, every aspect of keeping a ship in the air should be represented with fun, integrated gameplay. The bulk of the design effort should be in support of this notion. If crewing a Firefly isn't the 'fun' part of the game, it will have missed its target.
Firefly is about a special breed of people. Not everyone has the spirit and gumption to head out to the black. Only a select few people are willing to give up on civilized life and take up the travails of the vagabond. Most folks are just looking for safety and security. They're called NPCs.
And that's just one example, there are multiple of similar thread on this level discussion "possible" gameplays for Firefly ..... :(
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Some promised pictures
Kitchen and Balkony
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Moving, moving, moving ...
So I got the keys one day ahead on the 31. Jan so I was able to estimate the amount of laminate I needed. I bought it on thursday carrying 7 packets of 2.7something square meters up to the 3rd floor and made a short workday on friday. With help of my parents, who were so kind to take the day of and drive the whole 500something kilometers, we managed to get about 80% of the room done by midnight.
It was bit tricky in the beginning, as expected but all in all it went pretty smooth. We finished the last three rows on saturday morning cleaning the appartement before we left to KLF, where we arrived at I dont know anymore ;). It wasn't that late as feared by myself but it wasn't that early as I wanted. Saturday evening was thus also more relaxing for the final push of packing stuff up on sunday. Sunday was busy but we realy packed up everything.
Monday morning at around half nine the spedition showed up, a big truck and two people - somehow I expected three but the two of them were pretty capable. They moved everything into the truck in about 3hours with me being slightly mean, I was more pointing directions then loading things, I did feel a bit guilty but he ! That's why I was paying them. I felt realy guilty when they moved my two parador vitrines. I advised them before to disassmeble them ;), but they don't look that bad but they weight a lot - and I mean realy a lot. I warned them.
The key exchange from my old appartment was at half one and I hit the gas to catch up on the truck while my parents drove home - again thanks mom and dad, I'd never managed to move that smooth without your two help. I did catched up on the truck - besides the almost two hours headstart they had - but at a price. Driving an average of 150km/h I did managed to hit automatic speed control check, which wouldn't bother me that much. It's a game and if you get cought you lost, but I'm not so sure about the speed limit I passed. As far as I remember the speed limit was 130, but I passed an 100 sign shortly after the speed check. And if it was 100 before, well, in that case my move got a little bit more expensive.
Half 7 the truck arrived, I was an hour earlier and at 22.30 they were done unloading, again I do feel guilty not helping that much as I could but I just couldn't get myself carrying so much stuff up to the 3rd floor but the two of them did a great job.
So that was the move.
Pictures are on my desktop computer, I load them up next time when I'm online.
Friday, February 02, 2007
MS Windows Vista Voice Control: "Open File Explorer, Select all, Delete, Yes"
Security Warning - Turn off Your Speakers while Surfing on Windows VistaTopic: Notebooks and PCs
Recommend Story: Digg Del.icio.usPosted on Thu, 1 Feb 2007 13:05:02 CST
Warning! Turn of your speakers while surfing the web on Windows Vista. Windows Vista's speech recognition could listen to audio files commanding to delete files. This is the funniest security flaw I ever heard about. A report by George Ou on ZDNet talks about the possibility of playing audio files on web sites that would issue commands that the Vista voice recognition understands. Microsoft already responded and acknowledged that this is possible and a security issue. Of course only commands can be issued that the currently logged in user has the rights to. This has the potential to become a sport though.You should try this. Call your buddy who already has Vista installed and ask him to put you on speaker phone. Then you say "Open File Explorer, Select all, Delete, Yes".
Thursday, February 01, 2007
So I got something to do ....
The work I'm doing here is slightly different from what I was doing at BenQ, it's more geared toward the baseband development but as curious as I am, it just suits me. I just have to get some more adminstrative stuff getting done, I'm still missing my own lab table and some other stuff but that all has time.
Further, I got my keys to my appartment on wednesday, so I was able to measure out how much laminate I'm going to need. Also opposed to what I thought, each packet of laminate is not just 1sqm but 2.7 sqm so didn't had to carry up 20 packets up but just seven. I'll be starting that tomorrow in the afternoon, might leave early at work as well for that.
Also my parents offered to help me and they will also arrive somewhen friday afternoon and join me to KLF to do the last packing there for the final move on monday. The spedition has offered to do everything in two days to make sure everything gets across savely so well pack up on monday and drop on tuesday in Nürnberg.
Regarding the kitchen in KLF my follower is taking it for an aceptable price, I'm okay with it, he is okay so I everything is alright. In Nürnberg Im going to cook on gas rather than on electricity. I ll have to by a new fridge and some other kitchen stuff but I don't mind that. Gives me more freedom to get that they way I want.
Anyway that's it for now. I ll be posting something probadly next thursday or later. Cya !
that might include pictures though these will be only taken with my mobilephone. If the quality is good don't blame me, I was responsible for audio/acoustics at BenQ not for camera ;).
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
SNOW !!!
Awesome !
According to the weather forecast we are expecting between 10 and 25cm more new snow during the day. This rocks!
Monday, January 22, 2007
My appartment
So as mentioned before 54 square meters, two rooms with carpets, from which I will one change to laminate a very plain kitchen but with gas and a small bathroom and naturally a balkony. Everything up on the 3rd floor, no lift and that's one of the big reasons why I have a spedition doing my move.
For all those who are interested in helping me with my move, it will probaldy take place on the 5th/6th febr. and it will be realy easy. As announcent quite often, we'll grab sone beer carry it downstairs and drink it while we watch my movers do the move.
Exhausting ain't it ? ;)
The district I'm going to live in is called St. Johannis - big thanks to Christian S., my former BenQ for the advice colleague, it's a nice corner. I also mentioned before that I have visited another appartment in that same street and already from that moment on this previous and now my current appartment where on the top of my "I want to live there" list.
Reason? There is a chinese vietnamese restaurant right on the corner, just across the street a chinese shop and just a few houses straight along the street a sushi restaurant. - I just soo had to live in that street.
The house itself isn't so great from the front but it has a nice backyard. If you enter the appartment, the kitchen is right to left, with the balkony, both facing north west and with the bedroom also on the left side. The living room is on the right while the bathroom is straight ahead. And that's all, not that I need that much more.
As soon as I get the keys, I'm going to start laying laminate in the living room, so that get's done before the move. That's it for now. I ll pu up pictures as soon as I get some.
I'm going to celebrate my new birthday in my new appartment, naturally. Same procedure as last year, the usual suspects are always invited .... ;) ...
Friday, January 19, 2007
Woot !
I finally decided for an appartment, Kirchenweg, 2 rooms with carpets, 54 qm in total, a very plain kitchen but with gas (!), a nice balkony, 3rd floor, no lift.
Naturally just two hours later after I visited and said yes to the owner, the one appartment I was originally looking for, offered me an appartment in the same building but with a terrace, but call me studip, I already said yes to the other one and so declined.
Fun part is, all three appartments, the one I was originally looking for, the one I got offered later and the one I finally decided for are in the same street just three buildings apart.
Anyway I got something now! It's time to prepare the move!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Not much to say
I hoped I would have found something by this time but appearantly I became rather picky in choosing something that would suit me.
Everything is still open but Kendo rocks.
So just for the fun of it:
Clips: Girl. Bikini. Wii-mote.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Visiting appartments and more appartments, ....
So I'll be looking further during the next week, wish me luck, I'm loosing my motivation to keep on searching.
Oh work after the first week.
No project yet for me, so no real work but I have a lot to read about their former projects. The people are cool though I don't know that many yet, most are pretty busy with finishing off what didn't get done till end of last year to get moving to the new projects - and that's the point where I guess I will start getting real work :).
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I didn't get it.
To be allowed to rent such one you have to get either social help and/or your wages need to be lower that a certain limit.
So in this case, I earn to much, doh!
I have to keep on looking.
the iPhone is there
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Honestly, it's pretty impressive but I might have been biased from living in KLF before ;). Anyway driving all down there was pretty easy, I left at 10am and arrived and 5pm at my temporary appartment. So far everything alright. After a short break and bothering some ppl at the phone I started further looking for a long time appartment and making appointments to visit some of those appartments but besides that I just stayed in my room for thursday.
Friday was visiting appartments, checking in on a local cafe, the Cafe Bar Celona and using the WiFi hotspot to check out some more ads for appartements. I got about 10 more and started calling them when I got back to my room. I also moved my O2 Homezone so my old Homezone number isn't working anymore.
I found one very beautiful appartment, which is probadly gone by now. It's right in the middle of the city, you might say next to the castle, realy impressive. Everything else was okay, with one appartment I sah today, which is in the newspaper since this week, so I might have a chance to get that. Even though there are very very much old buildings in Nürnberg, this one is in a 1996 build one but it has a rather big balkony. I'll have to see what the next week will bring.
Regarding Nürnberg, as I mentioned before, it's pretty impressive. It has a whole different taste to it, than all the other cities I know. So far I know cities smaller, as my old home town and Göttingen and larger, like Hamburg and Berlin but to be honest. Nürnberg is beautiful.
On Monday ist going to be my first day at my new job. I'll see what is awaiting me there and so far I'm pretty exited and curious about it. Besides that, I know there should be the possibility to start Kendo as well as Aikodo here in Nürnberg and I brought "my stuff" with me, but apart from that looking for a longterm appartment will by keeping my occupied during the first few weeks, wish me luck I find what might like and that I get.
So much from here now, I think I get back to here another time. This WiFi Hotspot, the California, is a bit nicer as the Cafe - Bar - Celona IMHO so if I don't find something more interesting.