Saturday, December 30, 2006
So I wanted to show some pictures from Berlin.
I had my last day at my current company on friday 22. Dec. It was kinda weird, 'cause my colleagues are realy great people and I wont see them that often anymore, but what it made even more unreal is that they all don't know what will happen in 1. Jan 2007 - that made it almost sureal.
Anyway I gotta gonna own you the pictures from Berlin, I'm not in the mood as my mind is currently more busy doingn other things - like trying to organice a home in nuremberg for January and February and for later on as well.
Christmas was good, meeting some friends around my old place and I'm looking confident toward the next year, though sometimes the situation at BenQ still puzzles me. I'm not in that boat anymore but a lot of good people are and my best wishes go with them.
So without further delay, I think this will be my last post this year, I wish you all a good new year. Don't expect to many post from me in the first months, I don't know if and how often I'll be able to blog from my temporary home in nuremberg and after that it's moving and getting all stuff running again - again life is what happens, when you plan other things - time will tell, so cya next year !
Friday, December 15, 2006
There and back again
Kamp-Lintfort - Berlin
Berlin - Hamburg
Hamburg - Kamp-Lintfort
Exhausting, yes, was it fun, yes, am I going to blog about it now, no, but I made some pictures, so be patient.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Firefly Continues On As MMO - update
I got it from and it seems there is a firefly-MMORPG fan forum starting right now as well.Like Capt. Mal Reynolds stumbling in after a bar fight, the short-lived but much beloved sci-fi series Firefly will soon make an unexpected return, not as a TV show, but as a massively multiplayer online game.
Now that's shiny.
Multiverse, maker of a free MMO-creation platform, plans to announce Friday morning that it's struck a deal with Fox Licensing to turn the show into an MMORPG in the fashion of Star Wars Galaxies or Eve Online.
update: A more detailed press release on PR Newswire
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Sind die wirklich wirklich soooo blöd! - update
Beckstein prescht mit Killerspiel-Gesetzesplan vor
Der Amoklauf von Emsdetten hat die Debatte über Killerspiele neu entfacht - jetzt wird es konkret: Bayerns Innenminister Beckstein will Herstellung, Vertrieb und Kauf solcher Spiele mit bis zu einem Jahr Haft bestrafen. Das steht in der Blaupause für ein Gesetz, die SPIEGEL ONLINE vorliegt.
Jaja, mal wieder total von den eigentlichen Problemen ablenken und das ist die Verantwortung der Mitmenschen und alles auf die "Killerspiele" schicken. Wenn das so weiter geht lauf ich mal Amok und keine Sorge, ich werd auch keinen Umbringen. Ich verspreche aber das bestimmte Leute ein sehr gutes Andenkene daran haben werden. Ich muss echt fast kotzen bei dieser schieren Dummheit. Nur um ein einen Moment sachlich zu argumentieren, in den 20-30 Jahren waren es die Comics, vorher die Bücher, dann das Fernsehen, später die Horror-Videos dann und immer noch das Internet und die Computerspiele. Es sind immer die neuen "Medien". Hat mal jemand den Abschiedsbrief gelesen? Steht da irgendwas von "Killerspielen motivierter Handlung" - Nein.
Update: Es war noch nie so einfach Idioten zu finden:
Schützenhilfe für Beckstein aus Niedersachsen und Brandenburg
Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten!Fast noch besser ist das hier:
Reuters will Amateurbilder vermarkten
Yahoo und Reuters wollen künftig an fotografischem Bürgerjournalismus verdienen. Ab morgen können Hobbyfotografen ihre Bilder über die Seiten der beiden Unternehmen hochladen - und vielleicht sogar daran verdienen. Wie, ist noch unklar.
"Bürgerjournalismus", als ob nicht schon genug Idoten sich in der Presse zu Wort melden, Politiker allen voran. Nun sollen auch noch Sensationsfotografen irgendwelchen Unfällen hinterherfahren und anfangen die Rettungsarbeiten zu behindern. Das nur so als "unwahrscheinliches" Beispiel: "He alter ich muss hier mal auf der Gegenspur anhalten, weil es auf der anderen Seite der Autobahn gekracht hat und ich mit meiner Handykamera 'nen Paar Bilderschiessen muss." Jaja - LMAA.
Monday, December 04, 2006
So, it's official now - Nürnberg
Applying and looking for a new job with the current situation here at BenQ mobile I had two very promising alternatives in addition to the one staying here and hopeing that the isolvency manager would "rightsize" the remainings of the company and at the same time finds investors who would be willing to take over the buisness.
For me, i's going to be Nürnberg.
There have been nice and shiny other options, some of them including moving pretty far out but I made myself a certain deadline till when I should have made a decision and I like to at least try to stick to it.
I didn't make this decision easy for me, because the people I'm working here with are realy great people on every base, profession and personal. They are all "do-ers", they know what to do, they do it, they got the knowledge and the experience and I have learned a lot of them and it is realy a shame how in the management one mistakes has been followed by another finally leading to the insolvency. And when I'm talking about "the management" it's not totally related to the people in charge but more or less to the whole management structure. BenQ Corp. didn't managed to slim the decision making management to the "right" size speeding up decisions. The way it has been set up the responsibility has been distributed to as many people as possible so nobody was in the end able to make a decision or that group of people who should make the decisions didn't had the knowledge or expertise to take that decision, which resulted in reports from those who did, going forth and back and endless meetings discussing things over and over again.
Examplary of the fall of BenQ mobile is on a poster on a wall here in my office:
"Each company is only as good as it's processes behind it."
I can't even start talking about how wrong this is in o so many ways. Even with my limited experiences of 9 months in the "free industry" rather than at the university even the simplest mind must recognize how wrong this is.
But this blog is about me, so ....
... I'll be moving to Nürnberg to an other company in the same buisness but on a different level. One step closer to the R&D and the baseband and one step away from the making the final phones to the pre development you might say.
The plan is first: the fun stuff, visiting my godchild in Berlin, visiting my brother in Hamburg and later christmas, meanwhile trying to find an appartment somehow from KLF overthere. My contract starts on 1.1.2007 but having talked to them I got the opportunity to start on 8.1.2007 and have the option to get a room over there while I'm searching in January - I still hope they pay for that, but these details have to be clarified in the near future. One step at a time. My appartment here has been cancled, I should start packing my stuff but again one step at a time, now it's time to plan my visit in Berlin and Hamburg.
Anyway, what ever comes, I'll keep blogging from time to time - for sure.
I graduated from yellow to orange belt in Hu Chuan Pai Kung Fu - even with a cold, yay !
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I said earlier that I had something going on in my mind and I finally came to a conclusion. This one will involve a move and I'll post the details later.
Back to the title.
Jürgen and Heie grabbed the chance to more or less visit me here for the last time before I'll move. The next time they both will get here will be probadly to "help" me moving to my not more detailed new home.
Arriving on friday it was more or less what we call standard. Get something to eat, watch a movie and later hit the city. The three of us went to the Pulp in Duisburg and I think besides the point that Heie was slightly disapointed to missed the live band which was announced for friday I think both were pleased with the location. Only the fact that, as tante mentioned the people on the dance floor were more playing "who moves first is out" I liked it. Music was good company was good what do you need more.
Saturday "Döner macht schöner" as breakfast, for me and Heie, random tossing insults at each other, shopping so we don't starve later, another movie and later the Delta Park in Duisburg - because we were to lazy to come up with something more original. 4 areas, some "table dancers" who looked very bored and dozens of people again playing "who moves first is out" on the dance floor. But we didn't expect anything else so why bother :) ?
It is realy a pity that Asche wasn't able to join us. For sure because the Delta Park was intentionally to be visited together with Asche 'cause he would have fitted in for sure. An alternative would have been the PM but since my half announced move will take place end of this year the chance to hit that one or the Delta Park with Asche is dropping drastically.
Darn, Asche just get your work get done on time just once! There is only so much white russian I can drink alone. Next chance will be my move ;) ,
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Echter Spartip für den Strassenverkehr
Wieder mal über 'Linkspenner' auf der Autobahn geärgert?
Seit der neuen 'Dränglervorschrift' sollte man lieber gleich rechts überholen:
- Draengeln: 250 Euro, 4 Punkte + 3 Monate Fahrverbot
- Rechts ueberholen: 50 Euro und 3 Punkte
= 200 Euro und 1 Punkt gespart
Einen weiteren Punkt sparen kann man sogar noch, wenn man statt der rechten Spur die Standspur benutzt:
- Seitenstreifen zum Zweck des schnelleren Vorwärtskommens 50 Euro + 2 Pkt.
= Also 200 Euro und 2 Punkte gespart!
Aber es geht noch besser -> Blaulicht und Martinshorn kaufen und benutzen!
So kannst Du dir den Fahrstreifen, der freigemacht werden soll sogar aussuchen. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
- Widerrechtliche Verwendung dieser Hilfsmittel kostet _nur 20 Euro_ (§ 38 StVo).
= Also 230 Euro gespart und keine Punkte!
Noch eine gute Woche! - vielleicht sieht man sich ja kurz auf der Bahn ....
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
In between ...
First this webcomic I got from Tante: Gone with the blastwave - a single one is kinda weird, this one being one among my favourits but if you start reading them from the beginning you'll get the "full experience" of it's awesomeness ;).
Another link I got from Tante during the last few days is: McDonald's puts patent on sandwiches - yeah, so becarefull or they are gonna sue you next time when you prep your meal.
Also another google tech talk: Human Computation - also very very interesting. It's how you can get people to solve problems for you, which computers can't.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Another google tech talk
I'm not allowed to talk about what's going on in side my company - naturally - but this talk as uneasy as it is, is more describing exactly, what IMHO went wrong, even though he is "just" talking about the Scrum Methodology of developing software.
Monday, November 20, 2006
The Paradox of Choice - Why More Is Less
The Paradox of Choice Why More Is Less
Just start it, it's intriguing how right he is.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Hau-Kuen aka Monkey Form
Ich steh zu hoch, mein Rücken ist krumm, ich patze einmal in der Mitte, bin etwas zu langsam und verhaue sie dann endgültig zum Schluss. Hier ist es:
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Google für Fortgeschrittene - oder die die es gerne wären
Turn Google into Napster 2000
Okay peeps, I’m sure most of you know how to use Limewire and Bittorrent these days. But, I’ll bet you haven’t used Google to perform a quick Mp3 search for the nagging song that’s been stuck in your head all day. The truth is that Google can be used to conduct a search for almost any file type, including Mp3s, PDFs, and videos. This functionality has been available for a long time, but most users haven’t caught on to it. So here’s a quick example of how to use Google to search for Mp3s. It’s like turning Google into the Napster of 2000.
Happy hunting!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Blech - update
Es ging relativ früh los, nach knapp zwei Stunden durch absolutes Sauwetter. Der Beteiligung nach bei der Aufstellung hatte uns allen Hoffnung gemacht, das dieses recht kleine Tunier dafür auch recht zügig zu Ende sein würde, mäßig viele Kinder und nicht so viele verschiedene Vereine.
Falsch Gedacht.
Mit nur drei Kampfflächen zog sich das Ganze dann doch noch bis kurz nach 19:00 und dann wurde die Siegerehrung eher eine Fließbandabfertigung als eine "Ehrung".
Trotzdem von der Organisation her war das Turnier nicht so eine Katastrophe wie das in Stuttgart, meine Leistung dafür zum Teil aber umso mehr. Ich bin sowohl Formen als auch wieder Semikontakt gestart und in meiner Formenklasse als einziger gestartet. Anstatt nun eine zumindestens ordentlich Leistung hinzulegen, war ich zwar warm aber noch lange nicht "wach", sodass ich ausgerechnet in der vorletzten Technik patze - SEHR peinlich weil ausgerechnet mein eigener Sifu Jens Richter Hauptkampfrichter war.
Etwas besser dann dafür aber meine Vorstellung im Semikontakt. Drei Starter, inklusive meiner einer. Kurz gesagt, ersten Kampf gewonnen, zweiten verloren.
Ich hatte die Jungs schon in der Gruppe unter 17 gesehen und hatte schon so 'ne Ahnung das einige von denen doppelt starten würden. Dieses Mal kalt und wieder nicht ganz wach ( ich hab' glaube ich den grossteil des Tages geschlafen) , hab ich weniger auf die Punkte geachtet als mehr darauf mich an dieses Point Fighting System zu halten, was dann in einem "irgendwie zu irgendwie" zu erstaunlicherweise meinem Gunsten ausgegangen ist. Es gibt allerdings keine Aufnahme hiervon - schade. Sifu meinte noch schöne Aufhol jagt, was wohl hiess das ich zuerst in Rückstand war.
Zweiter Fight war dann auch gleich schon um den ersten Platz und ging somit 2x über 2min. Yvonne hat ein Teil der ersten 2min auf Band und die zweiten 2min ganz. Nach der ersten Hälfte stand ich 4 zu 8 zurück um dann in der zweiten Hälfte 7 zu 14 zu verlieren (oder irgendwas in diesen Dimensionen). Es war ein guter Kampf auch wenn mir gelegentlich noch offensichtliche Fehler passierten und dafür das ich mehr oder weniger aus der kalten Hose gestartet bin - Erschöpfung und Müdigkeit lassen grüssen. Insgesamt wie auch schon Stuttgart, das ganze "Punkte verteilen" ist aus meiner Shotokan Sicht zwar etwas obskur, aber es macht bock auf mehr.
Ein unverdienter "1st" Becher in einer Kategorie wo ich schwer gepatz habe aber alleine gestartet bin und ein ehrlich verdienter zweiter Platz Becher.
Videos folgen sobald ich sie selber habe.
Rest von den ersten 2min. des zweite Kampfes:
Die zweiten 2min. :
Monday, November 06, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
I stand in shame ...
I'm loosing so fast it's a shame to see (me right hand side in black pants and white T shirt).
Yepp, I don't have any clue what I'm doing there.
The punches are without force just aiming at speed and hitting first.
Blocks hardly count and it seems like it doens't matter how "loose" you stand, just be the first to hit "something", while I'm moving sluggish like punching bag.
We'll see how it goes, anyway it was a lot of fun, but I realized you can't get rid of 16 years Karate and 3 years Ju Jutsu in 6 months ;).
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
1600km in 6 Tagen
Ich sollte dringend den Teleporter erfinden... .
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Keine blauen Flecken, aber auch keinen Plazierung
Sehr cooles Wochenende auch wenn von Seiten des Veranstalters nicht alles 100% gelaufen ist. Sprich ich sollte am Samstag in der Gruppe traditionalle Süd Hand Formen starten, aber in dem Chaos ist meine Startkarte verloren gegangen.
Ich hatte bis zum Turnier eigentlich ein recht gutes Gefühl, wurde allerdings etwas unsicher als ich bemerkte welchen Rang Sifu Jens Richter in Mitten dieser verschiedenen Schulen und Stilen einnahm. Im Gegensatz zum Karate ist hier die Meister bzw. Personenbindung doch viel stärker.
Im Karate fragt man Dich: Welchen Stil machst du, im Kungfu fragt man: Wer ist Dein Meister und ich wollte weder Sihing noch Sifu Verlegenheit bringen, indem einer Ihrer Schüler eine Kung Fu Form einfach im Karate Style läuft.
Trotzdem nervösität gehört dazu und es wär echt super interessant gewesen, weil jemand aus einem anderem Stil ebenfall die selbe Form, allerdings in seinem Stil gelaufen ist - und er wurde damit 2ter.
Sonntag: Kämpfen
-60kg +18Jahre und so wie die Jungs aussahen sind die alle sowohl bei den -18 Jahren als auch bei den +18 Jahren angemeldet worden. Sihing, war zufrieden, wobei ich mir auf dem Video (kommt noch) ansehen konnte, das man 16Jahre Karate nicht einfach in 6 Monaten Kickboxen wegkriegt.
Was ich immer noch nicht wirklich verinnerlicht habe, ist das Semi Kontakt Kickboxen mehr "Ticker" Spielen ist als Kämpfen. 1st point counts, egal wie "schlecht oder recht" er getroffen hat. Und sogar ein Block bedeutet meistens nicht das der andere nicht den Punkt bekommt.
Wie gesagt, das ganze hat dann zwar nur noch wenig mit "richtigem" Kämpfen zu tun, dafür ist's auch bei weiten weniger Unfallgefährlich als Karate oder Ju Jutsu. Trotzdem hat's sau mässig viel Spass gemacht.
Ach ja, in beiden Kämpfen bin ich nach 0 - 5 wegen technischer Unterlegenheit rausgeflogen und somit 4ter von vieren geworden. Nicht gerade eine Meisterleistung aber ich war ja auch mehr zum gucken da.
Videos und Fotos folgen.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Ja, ich schlage Frauen (updated)

sogar mit einem Stock.
Vorallem, wann hat man schon die Gelegenheit unter Aufsicht einer Frau eine andere Frau zu verhauen.
Dieses WE war nen Arnis Seminar in Oberhausen und ich hab mich das erstmal in "den Ring" getraut um dann in "Vollrüstung" ein wenig zu Kämpfen.
Sieht schlimmer aus als es ist, die Rüstung hält ne Menge auf und macht ziemlich viel Spass. Das Punktesystem hab ich zwar noch nicht ganz verstanden aber nur so zum probieren schockts schon mal.
Hab nen nettes Video von meinem Fight, ist leider ziemlich gross aber glaubt mir, ich schlag mich bestens!
Bild ist nicht das beste, aber es gibt was zu sehen.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Willkomen auf der Titanic
Zwei Drittel der BenQ-Mitarbeiter verlieren Arbeit
1900 der rund 3000 Mitarbeiter von BenQ Mobile könnten nicht weiter beschäftigt werden, teilte Insolvenzverwalter Martin Prager am Donnerstag mit. Im Werk in Kamp Lintfort seien 1100 von 1800 Arbeitsplätzen betroffen, in München 850 von 1300. Am geringsten betroffen sei die Forschung und Entwicklung. Dort blieben 500 der 700 Arbeitsplätze erhalten.
Als Kommentar dazu.
Die die jetzt von ihrer Arbeitspflicht entbunden sind, haben bis Ende diesen Monats frei und werden in einen Qualifizierungsgesellschaft aufgefangen. Mit den Verblieben, wird versucht das Geschaeft aufrecht zu erhalten. Die die "Gehen" bekommen weiterhin ihr Insolvenzgeld und haben ein Beschaeftigungsverhaeltnis, dann mit der Qualifizierungsgesellschaft bis Ende des Jahres.
Was das heist?
Die die "Gehen" gehen zu dieser Qualifizierungsgesellschaft und .. keine Ahnung was die da machen, waehrend die anderen weiter mit der Titanic versuchen den Eisberg auszuweichen.
Und ich?
Ich bin noch auf der Titanic.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Soul Kerfuffle: The View From the Top
Soul Kerfuffle: The View From the Top
The top of what you ask? The height of World of Warcraft greatness.
A few weeks ago, a good friend of mine quit playing Warcraft. He was a council member on what is now one of the oldest guilds in the world, the type of position coveted by many of the 7 million people who play the game today, but which only a few ever get.
When he quit, I asked him if he would write a guest blog post about the experience. What follows is a cautionary tale about the pull an escape from reality can have on you.
Very interesting read.
I must say, Ive seen that path laying in front of me during my time playing SWG.
But there were a lot things keeping me from taking that path.
First of all, my RL friends, naturally, but funny thille my roommate , and downer, playing rintrah, were playing themself.
So we were mostly playing at certain times together (more like simlutaneous because we had each very different playstyles and goals) and after a while, we took a break to "hit the city" for the rest of the night to see our other RL friends and get some beer
Second, my SWG guild.
REB never moved away from the family guild style we were.
We've done everything but everything in the right amount.
We were a pretty small NOT PvP dedicated guild and we were still messing around with the big guys and earnt a lot of respect
We've been doing stuff just for fun, weird stuff, or just chatting and talking ingame or on vent.
And regarldless how much better we got in PvP, or doing DWB or what ever.
We were still family and to a degree I still see them all as family - even though we're not playing anymore.
Ive never been close to wandering that path, having a lot of RL stuff to do, training, searching for a job and such but still, having such a great guild definitly made me never get close to loose myself as the guy who wrote that.
For the great times I had in SWG REB - even with the very critical intro to WoW or MMORPGs in general - I have to thank them.
I miss playing with you all.
Ogi, dont ask, I cant stand fanatasy settings online ... =)
You can visit me in eve online though Wink.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Ok Go
Picked from the Red Circle Board:
Pretty funny, and pretty cool music as well.
Here live
And here with A million ways
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Verfasst am: 11.10.2006, 09:12 Titel: Englisch- Deutsch Wörterbuch Online???
bin der Englischen-Sprache nicht sooo geläufig!
Weiß jemand wo online ein Engliach - Deutsch, und Deutsch - ENglisch Wörterbuch ist/ Gibt???
Also wo ich ein Englisches Wort schreiben kann und das wird mir dann gleich ins Deutsche Übersetzt!???
Aktuell handelt sich es um das Wort : Blowjob!
Verfasst am: 11.10.2006, 09:24 Titel
Leider gibts dort für Blowjob keine Übersetzung!
Blow = SChlag
Aber Blowjob????
LG ****
mit **** (**/****), ****(**/****) und *********** ******** (***/****)
Verfasst am: 11.10.2006, 09:41 Titel:
könnte es vielleicht KURZARBEIT heißen??
Kein Fake, hab' ich mir nicht ausgedacht, ist von allen beteiligten voellig ernst gemeint.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Der Weg zur Hölle is gepflastert mit guten Absichten
Software zur Entdeckung negativer Berichte über die USA gewünscht
IMHO halten die sensations geilen Medien, das Volk jetzt schon dumm, dadurch das IMHO and AFAIK in USA keine wirklich objektive Berichterstattung statt findet.
Nun will die USA noch die wenigen, die sich vielleicht objektive oder zumindestens über eine zweite Quelle informieren wollen, die vielleicht negativ sein könnte "filtern".
Der nächste Schritt wird dann dann sein, das dieses schöne Tool dann doch während der Wahl alle Nachrichten des ungeliebten Konkurrenten aus dem Netz fegt und somit nur noch ein Kandidat übrigbleibt.
Soviel zur Freiheit und Demokratie in den USA.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Gefunden im Forum
Kommt eine Blondine zum Siemens-Pförtner und sagt:
"Ich bin schwanger und weiss nur dass der Vater bei Siemens arbeitet können sie mir helfen?"
darauf der Pförtner:
" Gnädiges Fräulein das ist ganz ausgeschlossen
erstens wird hier nichts mit Liebe gemacht
zweitens nichts was in 9 Monaten ferig wird
und schon gar nichts was Hand und Fuss hat."
Und noch einen, weil's so schön ist:
Der Liebe Gott besucht die Erde, geht durch die Strassen und sieht einen Menschen auf dem Rinnstein sitzen der weint, wie ein Hund. Der LG fragt ihn und sagt mein Sohn, warum weinst du: Der Mann schluchzt, dass sein Hund gestorben wäre. Gott sagt: Geh heim und du wirst sehen, dir wurde geholfen.
Der LG geht weiter, sieht wieder einen weinenden Mann und fragt den, was er denn habe. Der Mann schluchzt, mein Haus ist abgebrannt, mit den Eltern und Schwiegereltern. Gott sagte, gehe heim und du wirst getröstet sein.
Der Liebe Gott ging weiter und traf noch so einen weinenden Mann, er fragte ihn, was ihn den quäle. Der Mann antwortete, Herr ich arbeite bei Siemens. Der Liebe Gott schaute ihn lange an..... dann setzt er sich daneben und weinte mit.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Interessant ...
Mitarbeiter wollen Schadenersatz von Siemens
Das belege die Aufsplittung der Siemens-Handysparte in eine Management GmbH, in der die Abfindungen der BenQ-Mobile-Chefmanager gesichert seien, in eine Asset GmbH, in der man die Vermögenswerte der Siemens Handysparte wie Know how gebündelt habe und in die von der Insolvenz bedrohte BenQ Mobile GmbH & Co OHG, in der ausschließlich die zirka 3400 deutschen Mitarbeiter zusammengefasst worden seien.
Das Kapital der BenQ Mobile habe 25.000 Euro betragen - zu wenig, um die Gehälter der deutschen Angestellten für einen Tag zu sichern, kritisierte der Betriebsrat. Beim Insolvenzverwalter sei nichts zu holen.
Das wird noch witzig. Ich denke ich sollte bestimmt Leute mal zu mir inladen ;), ein Schelm wer böses dabei denkt
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Jupp, das bin ich ...
BenQ-Handygeschäft in Deutschland am Ende [Update]
BenQ Mobile: IG Metall sieht Siemens in der Verantwortung
Sitz in der ersten Reihe, aber leider nicht am Lenkrad.
Natürlich darf ich euch nichts erzählen, aber ihr dürft mich ruhig darauf ansprechen.
Btw., hier sind ein paar meiner Kollegen mit auf dem Bild:
Deutsche BenQ- Mitarbeiter fühlen sich verraten und verkauft
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Dann mach dich mal auf was gefasst Deutschland ....
Die Neonazi-Gang vom Werwolfladen
Von Sonja Pohlmann
Eigentlich war es eine normale Demo gegen Rechts - bis die Lage in Wismar eskalierte. Einer der Protestler filmte die Szene und stellte sie ins Internet. Die Hauptdarsteller: 150 Demonstranten, fünf Neonazis mit Baseballschlägern und ein paar hilflose Polizisten.
Zusammen mit den anderen Berichten, die es in den letzten zwei Monaten gab, wo rechtsextreme Elemente versuchte haben verschiedene Wahlveranstaltungen zu stören, fügt sich das langsam in einer ansteigenden öffentlichen und anscheinend auch gewaltbereiten Präsenz der Dummköpfe ein.
Man muss schon fast sagen: "Leider" leben wir in einer Humanitären Gesellschaft, wo wir "mal drüber reden" und hoffen, das durcht richtige Argumentation jeder zum Schluss das "Richtige" als solches erkennt (wie gut das klappt sehen wir ja bei der Verständigung der "Westlichen Welt" mit dem "Islam").
Dummerweise geht das aber nur wenn dein Gegenüber nicht gerade damit beschäftigt ist, sich den Schädel zu rasieren und stumpfe Parolen auswendig zu lernen anstatt zur Schule zu gehen.
Schaut man sich die "Jungs" mal an, sind sie um die 20 bis 30. Wer hat damals noch regiert und angefangen bei der Bildung zu sparen ?
Before wir zu dem Video kommen, noch ein paar mehr Ursachen dafür, ebenfalls aus
Triumph im toten Winkel der Republik
Aus Postlow und Wilhelmsburg berichten Philipp Wittrock und Jens Todt
Menschenleere Dörfer ohne Perspektive, die Jugend flieht, die Verbitterten bleiben: Vor allem in Vorpommern fand die NPD den Nährboden für ihren Wahlsieg. In ihrer Hochburg Postlow schließt nicht einmal der Bürgermeister aus, aus Protest mal rechtsextrem zu wählen. Ein Besuch im NPD-Land.
Falls ihr euch nur die Hauerei und das Versagen unsere Ordnungskräfte ansehen wollte, ab ungefähr Mitte des Videos gehts los.
Wenn man einen Waffe zieht, muß man auch bereit sein diese Waffe einzusetzten, sonst steht man noch schwächer da als vorher. Der Fehler war überhaupt schon eine Schusswaffe auf die Reaktion der Schläger zu ziehen. Wo ist die so hochgelobte Ausrüstung unserer Polizei, auch mag der Tonfa kleiner sein, wo ist deine so hochgewertete "Autorität" und "Präsenz".
Saturday, September 23, 2006
... da hat mich glatt kalt erwischt mit 'nem Orktürme rush. Irgendwie kam mir das bekannt vor.
Naja, ich wollte mal eben schrieben, wie ich Star Craft und War Craft spiele.
Ich spiele beides eigentlich sehr sehr uneffektiv.
Eigentlich Poker ich eher als das ich wirklich spiele.
In den meistens Spielen, spiele ich gegen Tommes, Spirou, Ingo, Hans oder wer auch immer. Und meistens kenn ich die Jungs und weis ziemlich genau wie sie spielen. Daher leiste ich es mir häufig grobe Lücken zu machen in meiner Spielstrategie, weil ich weis, das z.B. Spirou nur selten in die Offensive kommt, Ingo der Baumeister ist und Hans Nuklearangriffe liebt.
Ich überspringe ganze Zweige in der den Erwicklung nur weil ich weis das die Jungs dieses oder jenes nicht tun. Und gerade weil ich sie so gut kenne, klappt das meistens. Ich "spiele", ich versuche nicht zu gewinnen, sondern versuche heute mal dieses oder jenes Spielchen.
Tommes mag Untote. Jedemenge davon, die Spinnen und später die Flieger.
Heute gabs Orks.
Das hätte mir schonmal zu denken geben sollen.
Und dann gabts nen Orktower rush.
Wie Du willst Tommes!
Ab heute keine Spielchen mehr!
Du wolltest Krieg, jetzt gibts Krieg!
Zieh dich warm an!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Links links ...
Bitfilm festival:
Vitamin B und Geld regieren die Welt, Clinton macht's vor:,1518,438267,00.html
Reverse played songs:
Saturday, September 16, 2006
DRM - Digital Rights "Management"
More crackpot DRM ideas - Blogzilla
The current favourite seems to be that ISPs should be forced to monitor all exchanges of data and charge customers when a copyright work is spotted. When I asked how the spread of encryption could possibly be compatible with this scheme, they airily replied that only paedophiles use that technology and we would all be better off if it was banned.
Ab jetzt wird alles nur noch verschlüsselt übers Netz geschickt.
Sehr gut in diesem Zusammenhang ist dazu natürlich dann auch Microsofts "Angriff" auf den iPod:
Microsoft Zune won't play purchased Microsoft media files -
Microsoft's "iPod-killing" Zune player won't play music that's locked up with Microsoft's own anti-copying software. Music and movies sold through Napster 2.0, Rhapsody, Yahoo! Unlimited, Movielink and Cinemanow won't play on the Zune, even though these services are marketed in conjunction with Microsoft's "Plays for Sure" (AKA Plays for Shit) program.
Oder ganz neu:
Microsoft Zune will violate Creative Commons licenses
...Alle Links und Infos mit Dank von Tante
The new Microsoft Zune player (their soi-disant "iPod Killer") applies DRM to all the files you move onto it, even the Creative Commons-licened music. The problem is that CC licenses prohibit this. What's more, CC licenses are machine-readable and could, theoretically, be detected by Microsoft, if they cared enough about copyright to ensure that they were adhering to the license policies set out by creators.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Lou almost two.

She is a very good girl, likes to read and is astonishing self-dependent for her age.

If I get these 3GP files running somehow, I'd might post them too.
Btw. the pictures have been taken with the P50, not too bad for a Smartphone.
Todays Link:
Animated short movies found by Ehrensenf
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Für UMTS Handys also auch noch ...
ARD verlangt Gebühr für Internet- PCs und Handys.
Nur weil die keine Ahnung haben wie man mit Geld umgeht um, wollen die immer mehr Gebühren haben, für irgendwelche Geräte, die vielleicht "ihr" TV Programm zeigen könnten. Fehlt nur noch, das die Honks demnächst Gebühren haben wollen, dafür das man Augen im Kopf hat.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Another Eve online comment
Anyway, I started looking deeper into Eve Online politics and it is as I suspected.
Let me quote some stuff my corpmates from Eve University wrote:
Band of Brothers(bob) and Ascendent Frontier(ASCN) are by far the top 2 alliances in terms of power, size, territory and military. As far as publicly known these are the only 2 alliances that have a titan(s). BoB tends to take things over by military force where as Ascn tends to use merger and buyouts as their method of growth. BoB has taken military action on any allinace where they find out titans or mothership building capabilities have been shown. (ala them destroying TRUST which was cassini now and getting MC to blow up our(the big blue) capital shipyards after we built a mothership for a small pirate corp)
Most of the older alliances history is made up up various more famous corps who owned 0.0 space before allinaces were formally an in game mechanic and of course have their own territorial battle stories.
Most alliances run an NBSI policy. (not blue shoot it) ISS is one of the few who do not shoot neutrals and allow them in their space as was the big blue.
Mercenary coalition is an alliance of mercs. Many rumoured to be alts of Bob. They live in Bob's space so you can call them bob's bitches like other corps/allinaces who rent space from bob:P
The only newer alliance of note would be Goonswarm as they joined eve as one large group I believe around a year ago and became a top 5 sized allinace very quickly. They had no claimed territory and had recently fought for some and basically pissed off many allinaces in the world and got bitchslapped by a lot fo large alliances back to empire for now.
That's a general summary.
And here something more:
Eve is all about politics. To be precise, 0.0 space is all about politics. Sometimes, it only takes a bet to get a large war machine on the move (it has been hinted at that the Big Blue got wardecced by the Mercenary Coalition as the result of a bet). Sometimes war is a direct result of forum flame wars (as illustrated by the recent BOB vs Goonfleet conflict). Eve politics can boggle the mind at times, but it's all real, and it's not scripted by CCP.
As it has indeed been pointed out before, ISS Cassini used to belong to an alliance called TRUST. I don't quite recall the exact reasons why BOB invaded, and the reasons don't really matter at this point anyway, but it may have had to do with capital ship production and the fact that BOB does not like anyone else to have cap ships. While not liking something is fine in itself, BOB has the means of enforcing their "no capships" policy.
After the Mercenary Coalition destroyed the NAGA capital shipyard in 8MG (which had been the goal of their war), BOB occasionally conducted spot checks to make sure BLUE would not start cap ship construction over again. They did this with just a couple of recon pilots in interceptors - all you need to do is park at a planet an scan for the relevant POS module.
Soon after TRUST lost its outpost to BOB, it ceased to be neutral and formed a new alliance in the North - Dusk and Dawn, or D2. As outposts can not be destroyed once constructed, BOB was stuck with a station in a part of space it had no intention of controlling, so it handed it over to ISS.
ISS is a wise organization. It constructed deep space outposts to stimulate trade and business, guaranteeing the space's neutrality by giving station shares to major player factions. It is political maneuvering at its best, and I do recommend you drop by the ISS website to read up on how it's done.
ISS outposts are funded by shares. An IPO raises sufficient cash to build the outpost and shareholders receive dividents from station revenues (such as docking fees, repairs and so on).
ISS Cassini is the sole ISS station that was not built from an IPO but essentially given away for free. It does not mesh well into ISS's existing business model, as the alliance already has a 0.0 outpose deeper into Pure Blind.
Now this all sums up to a very Shadowrun-esk setting with hugh corporations controling 0.0 space plotting and scheming all player controled. Even though I'm just a very very very very tiny dot in all this, I have the feeling being part of all this and that appeals to me more and more.
Grandma's Happy Fist Martial Arts School
Grandma's Happy Fist Martial Arts School
Und ebenfalls:
Online "banker" runs off with cash, avatars cry foul
Must have happened shortly after I joined Eve Online.
Oh yes, I wanted to write something about my WoW experience and my trip to Berlin.
Will do will do.
Friday, September 08, 2006
For Daniel
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Not for the light hearted
I'll embed the one (found at ehrensenf) but you definitly have to click on the others, because, they are realy not for the light hearted
This one for all you car drivers, I am a motorcycle driver!
Even more hard, but should keep you sticking to driving 30.
And as funny the title may sound, this one realy is not funny anymore.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Right into Bushs face
Der Satiriker Stephen Colbert
And you all just have to see it yourself:
Stephen Colbert right into Presidents Bush face at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Once upon a time ...
and so I visited that site again and found this:
I think it's funny.
Ohne viele Worte
Warcraft III
Hadoken 0 : 3 Scout
und weil's so schön ist zwischendurch:
Starcraft: Broodwars
Spirou 0 : 2 Scout
Thursday, August 17, 2006
[19:50] FRANKIE: Ich zitiere aus einem Leserbrief im Spiegel von Patrick Kowal aus Berlin:
"Ich soll also Gebuehren dafuer zahlen, dass ich ein internetfaehiges Geraet besitze, auch wenn ich gar keinen Internetanschluss habe. Tja, dann werde ich mal ganz schnell Kindergeld beantragen. Ich habe zwar noch keine Kinder, aber das Geraet ist vorhanden."
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
This baby is mine now:
So I got all my errands done and just when I arrive back from those on friday I get a call to pick up my new toy ;). Nice, anyway I drove back to my parents to bring back dads car and to pick up my motorcycle.
Arrived pretty early due to friday having the day off. Had a nice smaller tour around my old place and visited some friends who I haven't seen a while. Sunday left at 1pm and arrived around 6.30pm in KLF.
It was a pretty cool tour, I only got into one smaller rain for about 10 minutes but the rest was sunshine all along. I had three smaller stops and asking for directions in WES somebody tagged along and just said, follow me and you get home.
So here I am, still slightly tired. Was nice weekend. Cya around!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Easy languish Journey
When I though I just got used to the training the main instructor is doing the training again leaving me with a lot of ache and hurt in all my limbs. Doh do they hurt. Besides that I have today and tomorrow off to do some "office" runs getting a new passport as well getting the licence plate for my motorcycle which is running again.
I'll have to go to the netherland consulate tomorrow but after that I'll be heading back to good old OL or more to my parents to pick up the motorcycle. Wish me some good weather driving it back down here on sunday.
Oh to the guys of REB, yes I know, I know, I'll grab me a WoW trial as soon as I can to join you.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Where have I been?
Yeah, there's not realy much to "rock out of KLF", what those two realized pretty fast.
But let's get things in order.
Friday last week the two of them arrived at my place just when I wanted to call to know how much time they would need to lit up the fire of the barbeque. Throwin' a look out of the window I see the two busy already drinking their first beer.
Nice and warm after a three hours trip, while I already had prep'ed some nice and cool ones in the fridge - laserbrains! We finished 19 beers and a bottle of Kalua and Wodke together with some milk (spell: white russian) so apart from rampaging through KLF not that much happened.
Saturday I had to take the opportunity to get to IKEA to buy some stuff, which turned out to just one "stuff", but the two of them warned me, that they we're aming to get thrown out of IKEA so I had to hurry to do my shopping before security would kick our asses. Anyway tante was still dealing with last nights alcohol and when we moved to a section Jan said, "Doah, the smell of all this paint is sure making you throw up" and tante the "man of action" he is, did just right that ROFL. Right there, right in the middle of IKEA.
Yepp the rest is up to him to tell.
Saturday night is going out time and again having the warning ringing in my mind that the two fo them are here to misbehave, I had to go to a place where I only need to go once, so I picked the Delta Park in Duisburg. Weird big disco, even with a beach party.
Let's just skip it, but somehow "beach party" was more a "bad hair day". Never seen so many bad hair styles at one place. Even Satan would go there anymore.
That was my weekend.
Apart from the "forth and back to good OL" to grab dads car and the paper work for my motorcycle my vacation started on tuesday.
5 days Arnis + Camping, two training sessions per day and depending on you skill graduations.
Now that all is hard to put into a few sentence but just let me say, even with a lot of rain, we had a whole lot of fun. Let me just toss in some random phrases that marked the weekend:
"Immer bis zum Anschlag." - "Kampf sport is wie Liebe machen." - "Mein Trainer ! Mein Schüler! HU HA !" - "Lass uns im Wasser trainieren!"
You just have to see it. I'll try to grab that short mobile video Guro made and drop it here and you might get it.
So my appartment is a mess, my arms are aching, that was a very good spent week.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Comments ....
All spammers though are heartly invited to visit me and meet my two Bahi and Kamagong sticks in some Arnis practice. Don't worry it, it only hurts when you regain consciousness.
Monday, July 24, 2006
that makes us mighty wrote
done the impossible is a fan-made movie about the rise, the fall and the rebirth of Firefly.
The “big damn movie” was only made because many fans all over the world were willing to try to get the movie against all odds, now that they have succeeded (even though we’re still waiting for more stuff - the word “trilogy” comes to mind ;) ) some fans documented all that hard work in a documentary with interviews of many fans.
It’s not only interesting to people who like Firefly but to everyone who thinks that they just can’t do anything.
You can download it via BitTorrent here but you also might wanna check out the official website for more information, the trailer and the opportunity to buy the DVD or the Soundtrack.
Star Wars
Don't know if that's and ad for a new jedi knight game or whatever though.
Another Star Wars gimmick, is this: Lego Star Wars
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Eve is down ...
It's kinda weird playing Eve but it's still fun. Currently I own two Reapers, a Slasher, a Probe, a Rifter, a Trasher and a Wreathe (see pic.). I could buy myself a Rupture but I'm saving up money for an Cyclone (that is a beautiful ship). They are all Minmatar Ships (my character is called Garr Anders) and they are on the left half way down.
I missed a Jamie Oliver show this morning (10.20 am) even though I was up already, I love his shows and his style of cooking so I added his blog to my links. I just can say try out his reciepes. They realy easy fun and realy tasty.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
This is for Asche .. or Kryschen ... or Hadoken ...
Yeah, once I get started I can't stop.
An interesting read
A pretty interesting read, especially when you are involved in watching Dark and Light fall deeper and deeper and just started playing Eve Online.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Just something in between....
Last weekend I took friday off, as well as this monday to spent some quality time at home with my family and my friends at my old place, hence the lack of updates. Also at work one project has been stopped so another could start I have stuff to do at work so not that much time to blog work or update random links I get during the day in my email.
So what happened?
Good food, easy to mention because both my parents had birthday, which was one of the reasons I expanded my weekend with friday and monday. Was also good to see my friends again and to go out because there isn't much to go out here in KLF. Besides that I'm, to lazy to write a full detailed report but the attentive people might have noticed a new link among my bloggers links.
Rooster has just recently opened his blog California, here we come! as he is leaving good old germany to have some fun time in San Diego ... that damn bastard ... but just like Inara we wish him "hundreds of fat children".
With this I'm closing now and might update later with some of those random links I got during the last few days.
Till then: "Go and play with your rain stick."
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Something about Eve
Strangly though, I like it. I tried it out once earlier this year and was first a bit dissapointed. The game is very passive, skills get leveled up by time even when you are not logged in and besides that it is just a pure grind for money to get the new equipment while you wait that time passes so that your skills get leveled up so you can use it.
Very awesome idea to get people to pay for it a looong time, but still something about it intrigued me to try a second trial and this time give it a bit more time - I'm going to pay for it. What intrigues me into playing is the diversity the game is offering with it skills. Also the old privateer is kicking in and while you loot new and different equipment you are looking forward to the next ship chassis as well equipment trying to gather enough money. You just have to try it out to see if it fits you and there is a 14 day trial on the net if you're interested. Holla me (I'm a Minmatar called Garr Anders) if you get in there, I might help you out with some stuff during the start but do the tutorial. It realy helps to get along.
Also the talk about huge PvP battles - for which I'm not ready yet - and huge wars between different cooperations sounds appealling to me, together with the annouced updated of the graphic engine and a new system that involves players more into the gameworld sounds promising as well.
Anyway here are todays links
Transformers teaser
Lisa Nova - Strange but interesting videos
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Where do I get this ?
Found via our one and only [GM]Dave
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
We are all Monkeys
I have to add some more links to this today, regarding the new "being german" stuff which seem to fit to the "we are all monkeys", as it is difficult for the germans to be german.
Sorry all in german only:
Lucky for me.
I'm a chinese-indonesian with a dutch nationality living in germany - I don't fit anywhere.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
It's just that I can't blog from @work, which I shouldn't in the first place anyway and was only possible during the first few days .. weeks.
I got some great links to realy funny videos and stuff and started another Eve Online Trial because DDO is good but it isn't the game I was looking for.
I could write some more about Eve online and some more other stuff but the weather outside is hitting 30 ° C and I do think it's terrible to sit in front of the computer rather than laying lazy in the sun, so if you're interested in my opinion about it and what I'm doing wait till it starts raining LOL.
Oh yeah:
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
DDO Trial
* Character creation is just like in the old DDO games, stats, classes sound all pretty familiar, the customization looks good, which in total is a good average but nothing special.
* Start - Kinda nice tutorial, pretty short but gives you a hint about how the game will be. I still have to adapt to the controls but besides that it's okay. Again a good average but nothing special.
* The world - loading into zones and instances. The environment is realy good, all rich and detailed but the game feels a bit "static". Though a lof of people are running around, it certainly is not like Coronet Starport during PRE CU, those places with their advertising bots and docs buffing and buff lines, where like a real metropolis. Players interacting with other players.
* Gameplay - you talk to an NPC, get your quest, load into it, check the quest goals and then return to the NPC. Though the stories are kinda well written, it lacks something IMHO. It lacks the freeform kind of play I had with SWG mission, how boring those might have been, they left room to fill what was missing with my own fantasy. Taking mission in my guild town in SWG was like patroling and guarding my city, add some more RP players and it's a lot of fun and way more interactive than just doing quest.
* The quests itself in DDO are as far as I have played some realy nice, some puzzles, some monsters primary and secondary goals - even more fun with a group. Just like going to the DWB with the guild or doing some other high end stuff in SWG. But so far from my side, that's it. It lacks the immersion "being in that world", it feels like playing a single computer RPG with it's more or less static environment and story with friends - I miss building or creating my own saga.
All in all a good game, even better if you are a fan of D&D, but my D&D time is long ago. I'll gonna play more during the weekend but I don't think I'll stay.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Pirates and Bam Lee
My pirate name is:
Iron Harry Bonney
A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
It all went well, well except that I missed one train by just a second, but I arrived on a beatiful day in Münster. With her other godfather living as well in Münster we all spent two very nice days, considering the occasion. We have been playing a lot in the sandbox and Lou definitly hit the 120 dB(A) loudness level.
At Daves I must say, he lost his mind. His roommate is as screwed up as he himself and they both multiply eachother into the infinite, which is ... very exhausting. Two martial arts wannabee geeks in one appartment = lots of martial artsbooks, stuff, equipment, food, .... geekness. Anyway it was a hell of a lot of fun to see Dave again and to get to know his not less geekiness roommate. Not that they are even close to as good as these but that's definitly what they are aiming for.
For more details just call me ;).
So with having said or written that, here are todays link:
Apple ad by Steve Chapell
And for the console freaks something forwarded by solarkaine
Streetfighter and Tekken.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
"All Blizzard franchises will become MMOGs."
Monday, June 12, 2006
Hu Chuan Pai Kung Fu
It was okay, I could have been better, wasn't that good prepared, at least in my opinion.
Kicks okay, blocks and punches okay as well. Stances mediocre, to quote yesterdays movie (Lethal Weapon) "I'm to old for this job." Arm locks, okay as well but my self defense was ... well pretty messy. The attack was a pretty simple straight punch and I had the freedom to choice "what ever I wanted" for my defense - and that was kinda the problem. "What ever I wanted" is pretty much, looking at my martial arts history, but on the other hand the time I've been practicing martial arts started to slowly sink in some favourits, which are a mixture of what I've learned so far.
And that mixture is not applicable. At least I tended to hesitate to applicate it toward my training partners. Sure I could force them but that surely hurt. I mean realy hurt. And that was not the point and it was just a yellow belt anyway.
So, happy me ! Yay! Wish I could cheer, I'm so dead exhausted I can hardly type.... Can anybody cary me to bed?
Friday, June 09, 2006
So ...
Oh one thing though, next Monday I'm having my yellow belt test in Hu Chuan Pai Kung-Fu. And another thing that might interest my lower saxony friends: Next thursday is a holiday for me, one of the two more holidays I have here in NRW. Anyway so much for now, I'll gonna bother some of you per phone during the weekend if I get bored LOL.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Thursday, June 01, 2006
So how is Dark and Light?
So what's my take on it?
It's what I expected it to be. It's not better than I hoped, it's not as worse as I feared and what some tend to forget, it's not Star Wars Galaxies and especially not the NGE.
I don't know SWG from launch but to my knowledge, day one in SWG was not day one, since the server broke down during start up. So compared to that DnL launch was pretty okay, they had their break down already with the SoG launch and it looks like, at least stability and network wise, they did their home work.
The game runs smooth on my current computer and I had only one forced crash since somehow I got stuch in the map mode with my keyboard not reacting.
So how does it look compared to SoG.
The environment engine goes up one level again, was the immersion in SoG already fantastic with the tremendos view you had, SoG is like DnL in minimal settings. There is grass, trees, stuff all ove the place and the landscape together with the upped details is rich and immersive. Picture yourself in one of those landscape shots in LoTR, just you and now lift off with a glider flying around just like the helicopter in those shots and you get the idea - breath taking.
The characters and their animation are ... plain. They lack variety in character customization during creationg and everbody gets the same outfit at start making everybody looking like clones. Now looking back at SoG this was pretty much the same, I don't see any big improvemens, but also recalling SoG the diversity in looks came with the outfit. There are 9 different slots for different armor parts and I expect when more armos is going to be looted or better crafted the characters start to look different. At least in SoG the variety in the end was pretty good.
Some complain about the crappy animations and the lack of emotes and compared to the emots of SWG well DnL is not even playing in the same league but as far as I know, they weren't there at launch. This is something they can updated over time, more important is ...
Game mechanics: You have 7 attributes which all more or less are tied to your skills, you have for different paths, each of them branching off into at least two different classes and again each class again with at least two specialisations.
As far as I know you can specialice in crafting an invidiual item. You gain social XP, crafting XP and naturally fighting XP. You can meddle with in different paths, going for fighter, hunter, healer and spellcaster at once or you can specialize.
You can re distribute your skills.
Now are they any good?
I don't know yet. It's rich and challenging to find what you like. I don't want to say its complex just for the sake of it but it offers a wide variety of possible playstyles, which I for sure want to try.
PVP - something a lot of people focus very much on. Well PvP in DnL is not PvP just for the sake of it and interestingly it is very tied to socializing, if you want to give your death and victories a meaning. You occupy land by owning forts for which you need social XP, you loose these in PvP battles or to conquer other lands in destroying others.
This will need more time - and IMHO not just a few weeks - to show its beauty or faults but it's certainly more interesting than ganking in bestine.
Quests. As important to me a detailed terrain landscape is to immerse myself into the world, quests are important to me to immerse my character into the history and live of a MMORPG. Now I haven't found a single quest yet, which is pretty disappointing ... but I have the Alchemic Dream Team working on SoG with their live events. I am pretty confident that they will introduce some not to say a lot of quests and that the live events have a very interesting style in happening. I just say GM RPing NPC and events with an open outcome.
Multiple language live events each supporting each other in sub task to a common goal.
In SoG even dark and light working together - or not - in open PvP areas, so those events are not "static".
Also add that players and their guild where able to write their own quests for their guild integrating their guilds into the history of DnL - an option my guild and partially myself failed to take. So there will be quests and I'm willing to wait.
It's not that I ever have been a lot questing in SWG anyway. I was there for the player made content.
The community - well this is, at least for me, the biggest let down. The official forum only consists of fanboys, flamers, trolls and "I hate DnL". There is nothing going on besides that. Nothing. But I partially brought my own community with me, so there might be a chance that at least in game you meet some decent people.
With that said, so much from me to Dark and Light, I'll gonna play it for the two pioneer months and probadly go for a master subscription.
See you in Ganareth!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
All games are usually just called auguststrasse and the default channel within for both games is the same, though we tend to communicate more via TS or ICQ.
So just for the records:
StarCraft (europe server)
Akhwah vs. me: 4 - 0 (I managed once to kill one unit, yay!)
hadoken vs. me: 0 - 2
WarCraft III (Northrend/ europe server)
hadoken vs. me: 2 - 7
tara vs. me: 0 - 1
Ailoovi vs hadoken vs me: 0 - 0 - 1
I'm waiting for more people to join in, because it's only fun to play with people you know. You got to taunt your enemies via TS or ingame chat and that's only fun with people you know ;-).